48206 SCAN0133

48206 SCAN0133

CHAPTER 9 T Ocular Adnexa and Lacrimal System 161

CHAPTER 9 T Ocular Adnexa and Lacrimal System 161



Accessory lacrimal gland (of Krause)

Superior tarsal muscle (of Muller)

Accessory lacrimal gland (of Wolfring)



Gland of Moll

Subcutaneous connective tissue

Submuscular areolar layer

Orbicularis oculi muscle

Hair follicle



Zeis gland



Porę of

meibomian gland

Epidermis of skin

Aponeurosis of levator muscle


Sagittal section of eyelid, illustrating palpebral muscles and glands.

The accessory lacrimal glands of Krause are located in the stroma of the conjunctival fornix, and the accessory lacrimal glands of Wolfring are located along the orbital border of the tarsal piąte2,9 (see Figurę 9-11). These glands are oval and display numerous acini. In the upper fornbc, 20 to 40 glands of Krause are found, although only six to eight such glands appear in the Iower fornbc.2 The glands of Wolfring are less numerous. The secretion of the accessory lacrimal glands appears similar to that of the main lacrimal gland and contributes to the aąueous layer of the tear film.



The skin of the eyelid contains many fine hairs, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. It is the thinnest


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