
PKP Group, generał data 2005

SKM trains run over PKP PLK tracks within the administrative boundary of Warsaw, This is a 20 route-km plus 10 km sectlon to satellite town of Pruszków, west of Warszawa. Tlckets in SKM trains are the same as in trams, buses and metro in Warszawa.

Ali PKP locomotńres aro managed by PKP CARGO    Souroe: PKP SA.

Class ET22 loco (PKP Cargo) hauling a Ireighl Irain. Locomolire on pholo is Ihe lirsl locomotive aller modernisalion


i Rynek kolejowy 6/2006

•lummer    ImillionPLN]    6,170    209    905    2160

•costs    [million PIN] 6    184    902    2770

• aibsidiaiy    ImillionPLN] 0    0    0_420^

Opon accoss operator PCC Raił Szczakowa hauls a Irain loaded wilh coal from Silesia to Warsaw wilh Iwo locomolives - lirsl is a Class 181 loco teased Irom Czech Railways (CD) and Ihe second is Polish loco lype

SKM Warszawa has been founded by MZK Warszawa in Sep-tember 2005 for improving public transport in the town. It has bought 6 new Class 14WE emus, produced by NEWAG, Poland.

Rolling stock without new traction Solutions

The PKP’s locomotive park still has al-most the same number of locomotives able to run at a speed of 160 km/h, as it did 10 years ago (47 Class EP09 lo-comotives and 2 Class EP05 locos). PKP also has 10 Class EP08 locos able to run at a speed of 140 km/h, produced in 1970. Ofher motive power rolling stock can run at a speed of 125 km/h or lower. The new rolling stock bought re-eently by PKP: Przewozy Regionalne and newly founded Szybka Kolej Miejska (Fast Urban Raił - SKM) in Warszawa Sp. zo.o. from NEWAG SA Nowy Sącz (former ZNTK) and PESA Bydgoszcz is better equipped with passenger facilities. It has a sfreamlined and noise-proof body, plug-sliding doors, air conditioning, vacuum toilets, comfortable seats, video cameras and other improvements. Unfortunately, it lacks modern traction and power saving equipment. Only one type of vehicle

-    an emu Class EN81 for secondary lines, produced by PESA Bydgoszcz for the Małopolska region, is a morę contemporary vehicle, with asynchronous motors, iiwertors and electrical bra-king, but with speed limited to only 120 km/h.

In regional and suburban traffic, fhe new regional operator Koleje Mazowieckie Sp, z o,o. (KM) emerged in 2004 as a joint venture of fhe local government of the Mazovia region and PKP, with shares split 51:49. So, this is morę of a governmental than a railway enterprise. This is the first agreement of (his fype be-tween the State and the railway in Poland. Koleje Mazowieckie employs 1,700 people and operates trains all over the whole Ma-zovia voivodeship, from Skierniewice in the west to Luków in the east and from Skarżysko Kamienna in the south to Działdowo in the north. Koleje Mazowieckie Sp. z o.o. took over 40 million passengers from PKP Przewozy Regionalne Sp. z o.o. railway in 2005. It has no own rolling stock, but leases it from PKP Przewozy Regionalne. Koleje Mazowieckie infroduced ifs common ticket with Warsaw Transport Authority (MZK) - for trains, trams, buses and metro - within the administraturę boundary of Warsaw. Re-cently, rolling stock was bought by KM from German railway for second lines - two second-hand Class VT 627 and VT 628 diesel raił buses for senzices on the Warszawa Gdańska - Legionowo - Tłuszcz linę, 50 km distance, and the Nasielsk - Sierpc linę, 90 km distance.

Asmentionedabove, PKP'snetworkstretchesover 19,000 rou-te-km. PKP PLK SA (Polskie Linie Kolejowe) manages this infra-structure. Beside that, there is also 950 route-km of private lines in Poland, located almosf exclusively in the Upper Silesia region and managed by: PTKiGK Rybnik - 360 route-km, KP Kotlarnia

-    200 route-km, CTL Raił -175 route-km, PCC Raił Szczakowa -175 route-km and KP Kuźnica Warężyńska - 45 route-km. The-

4 itS 9/2006


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