2. The Student declares also to make other payments according to Rector’s Ordinance on additional payments resulting from the course of study for students of a given cycle for fuli- and part-time studies in force for a given academic year and complying with Regulations of fees resulting from the course of studies at the Warsaw School of Arts, based on an appropriate Rectors’ Ordinance.
3. The amount of fees, mentioned in para. 1, is subject to change as a result of mutually accepted amendments between the School and the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii. The changed amount of tuition fee in such case is to be transferred to the School by the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii from assets previously transferred by the Student (candidate). The amount of fees, mentioned in para. 1, is subject to change also in case of termination of the Contract between the School and the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii - in which case the Student may be obliged by the School to pay the tuition fees directly to the Schools' bank account, as specified in para. 9 under pain specified in para. 7.
4. The amount of fees, mentioned in para. 2, is subject to change as a conseąuence to changes of the Polish law defining their amount or possibility to collect them.
5. The Student does not have the authority to negotiate the amount of tuition fees.
6. Payments mentioned in para. 1, shall be paid to the School on behalf of the Student by the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii from assets previously transferred by the Student (candidate), amounting to a value set separately between the Student and the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii. The Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii is bound to respect conditions, manner and deadlines to pay tuition fees to the School as specified in Contract concluded between the School and the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii.
7. Termination of Contract concluded between the School and the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii or failure to comply to its provisions by the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii may give rise to deleting the Student from the SchooTs list of students and termination of the hereby Contract between the Student and the School if the Student, upon reąuest and within the deadline specified by the School, shall not pay the amount of tuition fee directly to the School's bank account, in the manner specified in para. 9. The Student hereby declares that he acknowledges provisions of the Warsaw School of Arts Regulations which State, that lack of payment of fees, including tuition fees, may give rise to delete the Student from the list of students of the School. The School is authorised to delete the Student from the list of students also in the case of lack of payment for courses repeated as a result of unsatisfactory results or failure to sign this Contract by the Student, as specified in art. 190.2.4 of the Act.
8. Persons overcompensating for curriculum differences and repeating a course as a conseąuence of unsatisfactory results are bound to cover the costs of overcompensated or repeated courses specified in an appropriate Rector’s Ordinance on additional payments resulting from the course of study for students of a given cycle for fuli- and part-time studies in force for a given accademic year.
9. Payments other than tuition fees, specified in para. 1, and subject to para. 3 and 7, which the Student is bound to make as defined in this Contract, shall be paid by him/ her directly to the Warsaw School of Arts bank account no: 64 1020 1127 0000 1902 0200 1170 (Bank PKO BP S A) ul. Siennicka 6a 04-005 Warszawa.
10. Datę of payment madę by the Student or the Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii is deemed to be the day of crediting the SchooFs bank account.
11. In the case of failure to meet the deadline, the School has the right to charge statutory interests for late payments on the amount unpaid.
12. The amount of fees for issuing documents are specified on the datę of signatur of this Contract by provisions of the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higer Education of 14 Spetember 2011 on documentation of the course of studies (OJoL. No 201 item 1188). The School reserves the right to change the amount of these fees in case of amendments to provisions of the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higer Education. Fees for issuing documents related to the course of studies are paid before preparing and issuing the document.
13. The tuition fee does not exceed costs of studies incurred by the School to the extent necessary to carry out and conduct courses, including costs of preparation and implementation of the SchooFs development strategies, in particular in w developmcnt of scientific competencc of the personell, didactic and scientific infrastructure, including depreciation and repairs.
The Student grants the School his/ her permission to:
1) Announce results, credits (signatures) and other forms of assessing the Student’s work and activity by displaying index numbers in places designated by the Rector or Vice-Rector as well as in the Internet and other similar forms.
2) Disseminate his/ her image and name as well as paintings and diploma works madę during the course of education process in information and promotion materials.
3) Make the diploma work available to third parties and reprinting in the SchooFs scientific journals.
4) Process his/ her personal details.
5) Retain a sclected work created by the Student in the course of his/ her studies.