The Strategy for Development of Western Poland 2020 is one of the development strategies prepared to respond to the supra-regional challenges specific to the area - located between the national and the regional level of intervention. The base of the process of preparing the Strategy for Western Poland is the belief that it is possible to determine the macro-regional development potentials and effectively stimulate them through interregional cooperation, which brings additional development effects, in addition to actions taken at a lower - regional level, and higher- national level.
The document is an expression of concern of the Polish government and local authorities for the development of one of the key macro-regions of Poland, covering 5 voivodeships: Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie and Zachodniopomorskie, which spatially binds Oder river basin, serving as a symbolic axis of the socio-economic development of Western Poland.
The diagnosis and analysis of development trends for Western Poland show a picture of the macro-region with a high potential for dynamie development. This is due to its location on the route connecting Central and Western Europę, Southern Europę and Scandinavia, as well as the advantages associated with a high potential for the development of knowledge-based economy. Both the favourable location of the macro-region, as well as the science and research potential for cooperation, cause that Western Poland is characterized by high investment attractiveness, the fuli use of which, through SDWP activities, will inerease its competitiveness in the European space.
In accordance with the principle of evidence-based policy, the analysis of the strengths of Western Poland, drawn up in accordance with the diagnosis, became the basis for the designation of development potentials and the main lines of intervention for Western Poland. The directional part identifies the main areas of cooperation between the five voivodeships of the macro-region. The multidimensional cooperation based on partnership and joint effort of government and local governments, in accordance with the motto: cooperation inside to compete on the outside, will inerease the competitiveness of the macro-region in a European dimension. The main development objective of Western Poland will be achieved through stimulating and strengthening of key macro-regional development potentials.
Increasing the competitiveness of Western Poland in a European dimension will be achieved by implementing specific objectives: strengthening spatial and functional integration of Western Poland, building an economic offer and strengthening the scientific and research potential of the macro-region. The SDWP provides a