51341 milo 01 10

51341 milo 01 10


For Developmcnt of Tri cepa, Deltoids and Back Musdes. Use the sanie amount of weight a* in Rogu lar Exercise No. 1 Place the bar beli un the floor in front of you; lean down and grasp the bar with the over*grip; that ia, with the knuckles front. The banda should be just about as far npart as the width of your shoulders. You must bend down in a oertain wny; DON'T stand with your legs only slightly bent and your back cjirród. but h an down just aa though you werc going to sit in a chair—bend the legs eonsider-ably u< the knees. and leun the body forward front of the chest, and the farearms struight up nnd down under the handle bar. Refer to Figuro No. 8D. This is "cleaning'’ the weight to the shoulders.

This sounds complicnted and it nmy tako you several dnys to master the movcmont, but you MUST master it. You don’t twe tlić strengt.li of the arms in this lift to the chest. Your arras nrc simply ropes which trunsmit the power from tho shoulder muscles to the handle of the bar beli. The arras must be perfectly straight when you

from the hips. but DON'T bend tlie baek. Refer to Figurę No. 8A.

Now stand up suddenly, nnd you will puli the beli in u yertical lino from the iloor until it is up to the hright of your chest. Don’t swing the beli out in a ąuartw-circlo from you, hut puli it Ktraight up. As the bel! cmnes up. your arms will naturally lnmd outward ut the elbows. As -eon as (lic beli loses its impetu* you must go down and mcei it lmlf wny. You will be stnnd-ing straighf. up and down with the beli iu front of your elieat, and the elbows pointing out to the •idea. a* in SB. Now—aa qtiick as u tlnsh of light you must bend the leg* nt tlić knees. thus lower-itig the body sorerai inchea, and os you do this you musi loosen your grip cm the beli nnd bring the elbows down (ser SC*I Thon stand up ngnin. nnd vou will find yourself with the beli right. in grusp the beli, but they must not be tensc, l«-cause if you hołd thwn with the muscles tigiit and try to lift. the beli by the strength of the arms. you will have to use four times as mucii esertion as you will if you get the tnovemcnt correct ly.

Thcn wiih a jerk, throw the weight ovcr the head. and Iower it untjl it rests across the back of the neck. as in Figurę 8. From this position at the back of the neck you conimcnce the real part of the cxcrcise. You tensc the back and shoulder muscles strongly, and rhen begin to elevate tho weight slowly through the position shown in Figurę 9 until it, is nil the wny up to nrrm’ length overhead as in Figurę 28 on page 21. Remember the finał shoulder shrug for ultimata height after the elbows arc locked straight, then Iower the beli ngain to the back of the neck (ducking the head forward from Figurę 28, of courae) until you rench the starting posi*

Pagc 10


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