Invertebrata non-Insecta
The Belgian nematofauna: species of the order Tylenchida W. Bert, F. Claerbout, R. Van Gansbeke & E. Geraert
The status of some exotic cladoceran (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) species in the Belgian fauna
L. De Meester, L. Forró, E. Michels, K. Cottenie, G. Louette & H.J. Dumont
On the taxonomic status of the brittle-star Amphipholis sąuamata (Delle CHrAJE, 1828)
S. Dupont
Species-composition and diversity of free-living Plathelminthes (Turbellaria) from sandy beaches at the
Belgian coast
P. Jouk & E. Schockaert
Grands branchiopodes en Belgiąue: appel aux naturalistes
M. Loneux
Bientót un scorpion dans la faunę belge? Analyse de cas de presences observees M. Loneux
Scientific diving, a new tool for monitoring in situ North Sea biodiversity: preliminary results Cl. Massin, J. Mallefet & A. Norro
Exotic mussel species invasions in Belgian freshwater Systems (Mollusca Bivalvia)
R. Sablon
Recent invasions of terrestrial slugs in Belgium (Mollusca Gastropoda)
J.L. Van Goethem & T. Backeljau
Ciliate diversity in shallow lakes in Belgium
J. Van Wichelen, K. Muylaert, V. Geenens & W. Vyverman
First records and fast spread of five new (1995-2000) alien species in the River Meuse in Belgium (Hypania invalida, Corbicula fluminea, Hemimysis anomala, Dikerogammarus villosus and Crangonyx pseudogracilis)
J. -P. Vanden Bossche
Reducing the economic impact of an invasive bivalve, Mytilopsis leucophaeata, in the harbour of Antwerp A. Yerween, S. Degraer & M. Vincx
A review of the neozoan non-marine macro-crustaceans in Belgium
K. Wouters