Th# acouttic amittion bahavior of thraa Nawał alłoy steals (HY 80. HY 100 and HY 130) wat charactarized during ttntłla atongation and band typa loading. Th# dataction of amitstons wat accompłishad utkig a wary naw, atata of tha art intarfaromat#f at wałl at with a uniqua płazoaiactric trantducar. Tha daformation and fractura of thata HY ataałt wat documantad via optical and tcannlng ałactron microtcopy and wat corrałatad wrth obtarvad amittion* in ord ar to datarmine tha ganarating mechanitm*.
J.T. Glass, S. Majerowicz, and R.E. Green, Jr.
Dept. of Materials Science & Engrg., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. MD, Rept. No. DTNSRDC/SME-CR-19-83, 258 pp (May 1983)
AD-A135 388
Kay Word*: Diagnottic tachnkjua*, Failure dataction, Maa-turing Inttrumantt, Acouttic amittion
An axparimantal invatt igatbn wat conducted to dat ar mina tha dagraa of acouttic amittion tignał modrfkation dua to propagation through *>acimara of diffarant gaomatria*. Inkial affortt wara dkactad at compariton of a numbar of acouttic amittion probat in ordar to datarmina thair tanti-tNłty and thair ability to datact an unmodifiad raproducbla thaoratkally pradictad wawaform.
cutaad in detail. Progratt it rawiawad and tha ability of tha mathod to dittinguith yoiumatric and crack-llka flawt it damonttratad in timpla catat.
8.R. Tittmann, L. Ahlberg, O. Buck, F. Cohen-Tenoudji. and G. Ouentin
Science Ctr.. Rockwell International, Thousand Oaks, CA, Rept. No. IS-M-443 (Pres. at the Conf. on Nondestructive Testing. Santa Cruz, CA, Aug 1983), CONF-830811-3,12 pp (1983)
Kay Word*: Diagnottic tachniquaa, Faitura dataction, U It rato nic tachnkjua*, Tatting tachniquat
Th i* po par rawiawt toma racant work on tha dataction and tizing of ck>tad i mar na I fatigua crack* by uitratonic tach-nkjua*. Maior amphatit it put on tha dłffraction of thaar wovat at tha crack tip. Both fully opon at wali at partially ciotad crack* wara contidarad. Tha affact of crack cloaura strat* on back-tcattarad (pulta-acho) thaar wavat wat ttudiad with tha aid of an Al compact ttntion tpaciman. Noticaabla changa* with crack clotura straw wara documantad for tha structura of both tha tima<fomain and fraąuancy-domain rapratantationt.
J.H. Rosę
Ames Lab., IA. Rept. No. IS-M-433. 16 pp (1983) DE83017683
Kay Word*: Diagnottic tachniquat, Fallura dataction, Tatting tachniquat, Elattic wavat, Wava acattarlng
UKratonie dataction and charactarization of fkawt in matalt and caramict ia of contidarabła tachnological Intaratt. Seat-taring and kwarta teattaring thaoriat hava racamly baan appliad to thata tatks in a tyttamatk ma nr, ar and contidar-abła progratt hat ratułtad. Tha dawalopmtm of teattaring and kwarta teattaring mathodt in tha AF/DARPA Program in Ouantłtaiłwa Non-Dattructłva Evaluatk>n ii rawiawad briafły and tha kwarta Born approxknation mathod i* db-
D.K. Hsu. T.A. Gray, and R.B. Thompson Ames Lab., IA, Rept. No. IS-M-447 (Pres. at the Conf. on Quantitative Nondestructive Testing, Santa Cruz, CA, Aug 1983). CONF-830811-2, 19 pp (1983)
Kay Word*: Failura dataction, Diagnottic tachniquat. Ultra-tonie ttchnłqua*. Tatting tachniquat
In uitratonic NDE maaturamants tha dataction of tubturfaca flawt łt of practical knportanca, atpaciaily flawt too far from tha turfaca to ba datact ad by addy-currant mathodt and yat ciota anough to tha turfaca for tha flaw-turfaca intaraction to ba important. Exparimantal ratuht of uttra-tonic teattaring maaturamants of tubturfaca flawt in tha pratanca of a fiu id-to lid intarfaca ara raport ad and comparad with thaoretical cakulation* of tubturfaca flaw teattaring.