o ur** * o.’i-r
dcaet to . oland by thc . olish ritr.e inlater ,on .eptember 1-th 19 Vf*
lierOfiB Of fłrBrtW^
There : re ronento In thc lives of na tlona when ohroseo-logy most be put nnide, •hen any . <ntion of one's duties,nerite or ideała or the paying of horanagc by norę v»ords, i© not betimeo.
1 know that when I ar ndreBBlng r-.en etanding ln tho fuce oi death, who h/5ve fcither to enduro and win, or perish, 1 njuat uco the roet oirple wordB.
I i-nnw that you liavc confidenoe in cc oven in tho throea of a deadly bnttle whon in Bp tc of a fccling of deception »nd injuetiee tlone to iirsaw, you gave by an unonlroua voto of the .olieh Underground .nrliument - the ouncil of i.ntional Unity - Banotion to my proposala for o settle; ent of j. oliah oviet rclntione, i doing ao teatjtfying of your political maturity, which ie n©companyIng your ©ucrifiKces, heroisn and strugało©.
y >u moy be suro thnt the ioliah JOYernment will not copitulote and reaign the righte of i--oland to fuli iadependenoe, freedom and sovercignty. 1 fleolare th.i8 in the fuli roulioatlon of tho gravity of thlo trugic eituation. *
>s >rerier of the .olish Lx©vornment 1 tako fuli co-reoDonenbility for the deoisione possed by your political ant’ military leadera - thc cputy . re: ier, the inietera of tho oliah GoYomment ucting in the iioraeland, (ten. Bor and the ouncil of i ationnl Unity,
iiaYing the ground to do bo, you stood up in right time to wagę an open flght againat the .ermana for thc sake on inde-pendcnce, und freedom, and to protect the populatlon.
You roBe, t! a nince nr oh roso your brethren evcry-
where euet of nrsaw and a© they aro still continuing to riee helping at the buto time the heroic and victoriuos ;oYiet ar los in thcir flght sgalnet the enemy#
The fotc of war had docreeed thet thc liberntion of nraaw hae n t taken plncc as 80on ua was rightly ex.;ected by all.
The flght ie atill continuing. you are fighting end I n ow you will flght. You herc no ot er ianue and aaah doubt or breakdown will mean daath inatead of Yictory.
You herc the right and wieh to endure - to win and livu.
You hayc the right to essistancc. ;io one may, out of opportuniet or polltloal reaaona#diminioh the value of your efforts