should havc rcturned to Manihiki by now, ZK1BM closcd down on 21 April and is now in ZL. UAIXL/UAI is expected to bc heard on 40 and 80m at any time from Franz Josef Land. JX8YN is now home in Norway.

Thosc looking for contacts with ZS on thc lowcr frcqucncy bands will bc intcrcsted to lcarn that ZS5LB is oftcn on 3,502-3,515kHz at 0300, and again bctween 1900 and 2100. Hc is also activc on 7MHz.

Anothcr station will bc on the air from Portuguese Guinca soon; this will bc CR3DN who will bc using the serviccs of CT1BH as his QSL manager. VK3UV is reportcd to bc moving to H. Pakistan later in the ycar and has alrcady been given the cali AP2USA. 9V1QA will bc in Vietnam in May and says that he will opcratc with Iow power and a dipole. He favours cw operating and secms to prefcr frcqucncics around 14,050kHz.

G3AAH has had his QSL card for KG4DS rcturned by VE3BYN with a notc that this station closed down in August 1970 and that unicss the cali has bcen rc-issucd, QSOs sincc then havc becn with a piratc. G3LPS encloses a notc from Heinz, \V2HAQ, who has been acting as QSL manager for ZFtAN, cxprcssing his apprcciation of a fcw words of thanks from ’LPS. QSL managers are only human and a fcw kind words arc never wasted.

An Arabian net takes place at 1900 cach Saturday on 14,295kHz, and callsigns of those wishing to participate arc collccted by CT2AA, CT2BB and WA3HUP beforchand. Brcakers arc discouragcd. UA9VB is reportcd to act as “mcM for UA9VH/JT1 cvcry cvening at 2300 on 14,190kHz.

Slow-scan tv

In a further progress report, G3ZGO, G6ADJ/T has en-closed photographs of somc of the pictures he has receivcd. Ali werc taken from his home-designed hybrid monitor which uses a 3in tubc and is fed by an indoor dipole on 14MHz, and they includcd shots of OH2FH, SM5DAJ, SV1AB and I1LCF. What arc bclicvcd to bc lirst G sstv QSOs with cach country took place as follows: SV1AB, 21/11/70,11LCF 2/12/70, W1VRK 13/2/71, EA4DT 13/2/71 (no QSO, but pictures exchanged—languagc difficultics preeluded speech cxchanges), FG7XT 23/2/71. Good pictures

Cali captton as recelv«d from I1LCF by sstv (*ee text).

from VK6ES were reccWcd at 1738 one cvcning on 14,230-MHz (which is the frcqucncy which many European stations arc restrictcd to using). G3ZGO complains of non-co-opcra-tion by other UK stations which will not QSY from this frequency when politely requcsted to do so.

Amateur meeting in Poland

Information conccrning an intemational mccting of radio amateurs which is to takc place at Augustów on 10-12 Sep-tember has becn received from ORBIS—the oflficial Polish travel agency. The meeting is organized by PZK and fuli accommodation in Augustów for thc duration of the meeting and also for the services of a guide will cost just under £9. Transport from Warsaw to Augustów will cost £3, an optional day in Warsaw (a vcry well spent day) £5, and various other excursions may bc arranged at cqualiy reason-able cost. An amateur station will bc active and forcign visitors can obtain a Iicencc for operation from a fixed station (at no charge) but mobile operation is not permitted. Booking forms and further details may bc obtained from ORBIS agents in this country (Thos Cook, L. W. Morland Co Ltd, 308 Regent St, London, and Transcontinental Travel Scrvice, 615 Great Western Road, Glasgow W2),


The Cołombian Independence Contest 0001 17 July to 2359 18 Juty.

Ali bands 3*5 to 28MHz ssb, a.m. and cw but not cross-mode. QSO points for European entrants are five for each HK contact and one point for all others. A multiplier is arrivcd at by adding the total number of DXCC countrics plus HK zones worked on each band. Serial nura bers consist of RS or RST followed by QSO number (starting from 001). There arc single and multi-opcrator single trans-mitter, and multi-operator sections. Remembcr that HK0 counts as HK, HK0 (San Andres) and HK0 zonę. Scnd logs to reach Independence of Colombia Contest, c/o LCRA, Ap.584, Bogota, Colombia, not later than 30 September 1971. Some printed rules are availablc from G3FKM.

Worked AU Massachusetts Cities and Towns Contest 0001 15 June to 2400 19 Junc.

This is sponsored by thc Massachusetts Chapter National Awards Hunters Club as part of the Massachusetts Amateur Radio Weck. Exchange report, city, county, statc, and one point is gaincd per station in Massachusetts worked. Multipliers consist of the total of Massachusetts cities and towns worked (351 in all). Scnd entries to reach Stcvcn Rich, 31 Arlinglon Av, Reverc, Mass, 02151, not later than 31 July.


WCPR-50 Award

This award will bc givcn to any radio amateur who submits cvidcncc of two-way communication with another radio amateur in cach of 50 CPR zones (thesc are thc same as the ITU zones listed on pages 198 and 199 of March Radio Communication). All contacts must havc becn sińce 1 April 1968 and endorsements will bc given for all phonc, all cw, two-way ssb, rtty, or raixcd modes. A spccial endorseracnt will bc madę if all contacts were madę by a mobile station. QSL cards must bc in the possession of the applicant but only a list certified by two other amateurs or an official of a




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