Key Word*: NASTRAN (Computer program), Flutter, Modal analysis, Turbofan enginet. Propełlers
Advanced Engrg. Lab.. Adelaide, Australia. 18 pp (1982) (Proc. of ACADS National CAD/CAM Conf. Held at COMTEC '82)
AD-A135 611
Kry Worda: Computer programs. Finite element technique
The uee of e finite element analysis packege running on an irvhouae POP 11/60 minicomputer is deacribed. Case studies are preeented to iłlustrate the approach taken to problems invołving strata level and deflection estimation and free vi>ration analysis.
V. Elchuri and G.C.C. Smith
Bell Aerospace Textron, Buffalo. NY, Rept. No. D2536-941009. N AS A-C R-167926. 121 pp (Apr 1982)
An exleting capebility devełoped to conduct modal flutter analysis of tuned bladed-shrouded disct in NASTRAN wat modłfled and appłied to inveftigate the eubeonic unstalled flutter cheracteriftics of adwnced turbo propełlers. The modifketiona pertain to the induaion of oacilletory modal aerodynemlc loeda of bledea wrth larga (backward and forward) varieble sweep. The two dknenatonel aubaonic unataedy a er ody nemie theory we a appłied in a strip theory manner with appropriate modlfkationa for the aweep effecta. Each strip łs aswciated with a chord setected nor mai to any apenwise reference curve such ea the blade leeding The statoHtty of three operating condhłont of a 10-bladed propeller iaanalyzed.
R.L. Bielawa, S.A. Johnson, R.M. Chi, and S.T. Gang-wani
United Technologies Res. Ctr., East Hanford. CT.
Rept. No UTRC83-6. NASA CR-3729. 255 pp (Dec 1983)
Key Worda: Propełlers, Computer programa
Mathematical development n preeented for a apecielized propeller dedicated version of the G400 rotor aeroetaatic analysis. The G400PROP analysis simulates aeroelastic characteristics particutor to propełlers such as structural sweep, a er ody nam ic sweep and high su baonie unsteedy airloads (both stalled and unit,^). Formulationa are pre-sented for these expended propeller related methodologies. Resulta of limited appliestion of the analysis to realipic blade configurations and operat ing conditions which include stable and unstable stall flutter test conditions are given.
C. Greenough and K. Robinson Rutherford Appleton Lab.. Science and Engrg. Res. Council. Chilton, UK, Rept. No. RL-82-062, 30 pp (1982)
Key Worda: Computer programa, Finite element technkiue. Natura! frequencies. Modę shapes, Rectangular bodies
The library. a coliection of software wntten to accommodate the growth of finite element techniques, ia in two levels: one consiats of subroutines which perform most of the basie steps required in a finite element analysis; the other com-priaes example programs in various application areaa. Thia raport deals with dynamie analysis of solids, particularly the calcu la tion of the na tu rai frequencies and the associated modę shapes of a two d im en sio na I rectangular solid. The solid ia assumed to ba of unit thickneaa and in a State of piane strain. The report givea details of the theory and the nlution of the problem and includea a compłete listing of the example program and data.
C.M. Friedrich
Bettis Atomie Power Lab., West Mifflin. PA. Mag Tape ANL/NESC-537R (1984)