Key Word*: Buildings, Seismic datign

Kay Word*: Buildings, Torsional rasponea, Salemie e*cKatk>n


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Struć. Dynam., 12. (2). pp 149-167 (Mar/Apr 1984) 24 figs, 6 refs

In recognition of tht life-threetening dangers posad by many thouands of buildings complatad pctor to tha requirament for provision of any ipecrfk: aarthqueke resistence. In 1981 tha city of Lot Angeles adopted a taiimic aafety ordinanca raquiring tha upgrading of thaee buildings to pradatarminad engineering standard*. Various methodi of modifying such structuret, which ara charactaristically of unrainforcad multi-story maeonry baaring Mail configuration with interior wood framing, ara summarizad in thi* papar. In addhion to prasanting typical structural dęta ii*. some of tha socio-economie and finencJel aipecti of tha aarthquaka hazard mitigation program ara ditcusead.


Dynamie Reąranie of Buildings to Ground Rota-tionaJ Motion

A.M. Awad and J.L. Humar

Faculty of Engrg., Univ. of Alexandria, Alexandria. Egypt, Can. J. Civil Engrg., JJ_(1), pp 48-56 (Mar 1984) 7 figs, 13 refs

Torsional motion in a buiiding subjactad to aarthquaka for ca is often attributad to an accantriclty between tha center* of mass and rasietanca of tha buMding. However, a mora diract causa of torsional responsa is tha presence of a rotational componant in tha aarthquake motion. Tha affact of such a rotational motion on tha re«>onsa of both a symmatric and an unsymmatric *lngle story buiiding model is studied. It is shown that tha rotational componant of axcltation may hava a vory signrfkant affact on tha responsa, and that thts affact may at timas ba mora pronouncad than tha affact of torsion reeuhing from transiationol motton oomblned with plan accantricity.


lite Optimom Design of a Baee iaolatioa System aritók Frktional Deamti

M.C. Constantinou and I.G. Tadjbakhsh Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY, Earthquake Engrg. Struć. Dynam.. 12 (2). pp 203*214 (Mar/Apr 1984) 5 figs. 6 tables, 15 refs

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Kay Word*: Buiiding*, Muitistory buildings. Seismic design, Basa isoiation

A linear muitistory structure with a seismic basa isoiation system consisting of rubber baaring* and frictional element* is considered. The nonlinaar equations of motion ara derived for tha first moda vibration and the Stocha Stic responsa to a white noise ground acceleration is determined. Basad on this responsa, suitable objective functions ara dsfined and the optimum design of the isoiation system is performed. It is shown that a smali amourtt of friction ineraases the effective-ness of the system comparad with tha same system but wrthout frictionsl element*.



Dynamics of a FreeaUnduę Steel Ugktiag Tower

K.C.S. Kwok, G.J. Hancock, P A. Bailey, and P.T. Haylen

School of Civil and Mining Engrg., Sydney Univ., Australia, Rept. No R-450. 30 pp (June 1983)

PB84 137934

Kay Word* Towera. Steel, Natursl frequencie«. Moda

Raeults of fuli scala maesuremems of tha dynamie charac-tariatics of a mmi Ighuoę towar ara preser*ad Tha first three natural fraquencies of vlbratton wers found to ba 0.60 Hz, 2.40 Hz and 4M4 Hi respectfcWy Tha oorraapond-Ing moda dtapas wara alao determined Theae raeults are oomparad with thoaa obtainad from a piana riętd trama dynamie analysis Computer program ar^ found *ob*m good



Eartkquake Re^oaat of Uptift on Wiakler Fonnfatma

Chik-Sing Yim and A K. Chopra Univ. of California. Berkeley, CA. Earthquake Engrg. Struć. Dynam., Ji(2). pp 263-281 (Mar/Apr 1984) 12 figs. 12 refs

Kay Wordt: Winkler foundattone, Foundation*. Salemie





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