lehrstuhl fuer Flugmechanik und Flugregelung. Technische Univ., Munich. Fed. Rep. Germany, 167 pp (1983)

N84-11180 (In German)

Kay Word*: Aircraft, Wind-inducad excitatton

Gust allayiation concepts were studiad numarkally on a Boeing 707 aircraft with autopilot. Stochastic gust processas wara studiad in tha fraquancy domain. The calculations show that tha best solution is tha control of tha pitch posi-tion and tha pitch vek>ctty by uting tha autopilot moda pitch-hold. It is shown that additionał control system* (e.g. transv*rse control) can substantially raduca disturbanca.


Cnuhworthy Cydic Control Stick

D.K. Eisentraut and R.E. Zimmerman Simula, Inc., Tempe, AZ, Rept. No. TR-83412, USAAVRADCOM-TR-83*D-23, 78 pp (Nov 1983) AD-A135 150

Key Word*: Crash rasaarch (aircraft), Halicoptars

In heilcopter crash as, a potentlal source of injury it craw* mam bar impact with tha cyclic control stick. Thls program sought to alleviate that hazard through tha deve(opment of a crashworthy cydic control stick retrofłttabte to tha UH-60A Black Hawk and AH-1S Cobra halicoptars. Concapts axaminad for this application included thosa employing frangble, daformable, talaacoping, collapsing, and seperating stick*, as wali as tha cutters. Tha salactad design was a slip joint sapa rat i ng stick, with an anargy absorber, acthratad by crawmambar impact. Four prototyp** wara fabricatad and tastad, both statically and dynamically.


StnicturaJ Responae of Tranaport AirpUnea in Cr*A Sitmationa

R.G. Thomson and C. Caiafa Fed. Aviation Admn. Technical Ctr., Atlantic City, NJ, Rept. No. DOT/FAA/CT-83/42. NASA-TM-85654,123 pp (Nov 1983)

AD-A135 884

Kay Word*: Crash rasaarch (aircraft), Crashworthiness

Thls raport highlights tha results of contractural studia* of tran*>ort accidant data undartakan in a joint rasaarch program sponsorad by tha FAA and NASA. From thase accidant data studia* it was concfudad that tha graatest potantial for improyad tranaport crashworthiness is in tha raduction of fira ralatad fatalnie*. Accidant data partaining to fusalaga intagrity, main landing gaar collapse, fuai tank rupture, wing break*, t aa ring of tank lower surfaces, and angina pod scrubbing ara discussad.


Vertical Drop Test of a Transport FuseUge Center Section Including the Wheel Weila

M.S. Williams and R.J. Hayduk

NASA Langley Res. Ctr., Hampton, VA, Rept. No.

NASA-TM-85706, 59 pp (Oct 1983)


Kay Words: Aircraft. Dynamie tasts. Drop test* (impact tests)

A Boeing 707 fusalaga section was drop tastad to measure structural, seat, and anthropomorphic dummy re*x>nse to yertical crash loads. Tha *>«clm#n had nominelly zero pitch, roli and yaw at impact with a sink spaad of 20 ft/sac. Rasults from this drop test and othar drop tasts of different tranaport sactions will ba usad to prapara for a full-tcale crash test of a B-720.



Effect of Mass and Stiffneaa Changes on the Damping Faetor in a Large Space Struć turę m Represented by the CSDL 2 Model

D.E. Olsen

School of Engrg., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, Rept. No. AFIT/GSO/AA/ 83D-2. 132 pp (Dec 1983)

AD-A136 984

Kay Words: Spacacraft aquipmant, Damping ooefficients

This inyastigation was undartakan to dat ar min* tha sansi-tłvhy of tha damping faetor in a larga spec* structur* (LSS) to smali changas in nonstructural mass and structural element stlffness. R*visk>n 3 of tha ACOSS 2 model, d*veloped by tha Charles Stark Drapas La bora tory, Inc. was usad as tha modal of tha LSS. Vark>us oomblnations of tha mirror massas in this larg* spać* telescop* wara veri*d by up to 10%, salactad structural alamants war* stiffanad by ineraasing their


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