ported in the literaturę. The teit jpecimen* include humen cedevers, living humen volunteers. and living and dead swine.



(AIsoseeNo. 1872)


Mathemitkil Model of the Humań Thorax When Subjeeted to Frontal Impact During an Automobile Crash

K.H. Digges

Oxford Univ.. UK, Rept. No. OUEL-1454/83. 40 pp (Mar 1983)


Key Words: Collision research (automotive), Impact tests, Humań responje, Mat hem* tkał modeli

The purpote of thii report ii to document a model of the humen thorax in an automobile craih which ha* been u sad on a VAX-2 Computer and to preaent some typkal results produced by the model. The modei uses phyiical para met er* ba»ed upon test* raported in the literatura. Tests to deyetop the characteristics of the humen thorax have been reported. The present report summerizes tests of automobile* to determine the engineering pro partie* of vehkle interior. These test results, elong with crash tests of compfete vehicle*ara used to model the vehicte interior and the crash accelera-tion pulse of the vehicle.


Effecta of Re*r Seat Paseengera on Front Seat Occu* pan ta in Frontal Impacta

A. K. Roberts

Transport and Road Res. Lab., Crowthorne, UK, Rept. No. TRRL/LR-1079. 30 pp (1983)


Key Words: Collision research (automotive), Impact tests, Humen response

This report descrtoes a serie* of 60 km/hr frontal impact tests carried out (n an estate car body sheil on the TRRC impact test rig. The aim of the study mis to determine the effect of a reer unrestrained adult paseenger on a re-strained front seat occu pa nt and to estimete the megnitude of any effect. The importance of occupant restraint is daarły demonstrated.


Energy Transformation by Paasenger Cara During Frontal Colliaiona (Energieumaetzung von Peraonett-kraftwagen beim Frontalaufprali)

M. Rauser and M. Grossmann

Automobiltech. Z., 85 (9), pp 553-559 (Sept 1983)

9 figs. 10 refs

(In German)

Key Words: Energy absorption, Collision resaarch (automo-tive)

In order to obtain a quantitative deseription of the energy absorbed by vehicles with front anginę* and rear-wheel drive during a frontal crash, tests were performad at a resaarch and development center using production cars, modified vehicłes and subassemblies. According to the energy balance obtained by means of a two-mass modei, the kinetic energy relaased during a frontal collision at 50 km/h Is absorbed by the front structura (79%), by the drive unit (12%). and by the tka wali (9%). Th* energy absorbed by the front struc-ture is distrft>uted as folłows: 72% by the longitudinal mam-bers, 23% by the wheelhousings, and 5% by the fenders. Based on these findings, crurft tests can be performad with body subassemblies in order to determine the respeetły* energy absorption capocities to be expectad during a dynamie crash and thus to giv* approximete consideration to occu pa nt protection at a very aarly stage of body deyalop-ment.


Tunable Dam per for an Acouatk Wave Guide

S.C. Rogers

Dept. of Energy. Washington, DC, U.S. Patent Application No. 6-435 797, 14 pp (Oct 1982)


Key Words: Dynamie yibration absorption (equipment), Sound waves, Waveguide analysis

A damper for tunably dam ping acoustic waves in an ultra-sonie wayeguide is provided which may be usad in a hostile environment such as a nuclear reactor. The araa of the


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