imm»sclbilłty in the system Na?0-CaO-03-C02 (modrfłed by Freestone and Hamilton, 1980. to łncorporate KjO, MgO. FeO. and TI02). The system is projected from C07 for CO?>saturated condltions. The dark shaded liquids enciose the miscibility gap of Kjarsgaard and Hamilton (1988, 1989) at 0.5 GPa, that extends to the afkaii-free side (A-A). The lighter shaded liqulds enciose the smaller gap (B) of Lee and Wyllie (1994) at 2.5 GPa. C-C is the revised gap of Kjarsgaard and Hamilton. Dashed tłe-lines connectsome of the conjugate sificate-carbonate Hquid pairs found to coexist in the system. After Lee and Wyllie (1996) International Geołogy Re siew, 36. 797-819. Winter (2001) An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
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