Andrea Glavanovics
bourgeoisie which was rested on the freedom of entrepreneurship and the sa-fety of property. The spreading of these new ideologłes and their emergence through the filter of civil publicity was realized with the help of the press and publishing of books.12
The 19,h century was the first time when the first world-wide networks came into being and brought the experience of rapid information flow and delivery for the people of that age. These networks make the idea of control and organi-sation of information flow possible within the framework of modern democra-cies and liberał economies. That was the period when the legislation concerning their operation and different rules and regulations also originated from. Another very important event of the 20lh century is that picture and sound also appear among mediums. It also generates new problems and draws the attention to the ąuestion of the rule over common talk, the building up of total sytems of the media, in other words the ąuestion of the relationship between the State and the new infomational and popular mediums.13
Earlier, when these tools were not available, public opinion meant the parlia-ment in England for example till the last third of the 18th century and national opinion was represented by the parties of the parliament, while it was prohibi-ted to publicise these parliamentary debates till 1771. Public opinion appears at the end of the 18,h century for politicians as a factor which must be taken into account.14 Although it is already natural for 19,h century people that daily news reach masses of people. The first most significant changes in this field can be seen in England: The circulation of papers and periodicals jumped into 30 mil-lion from 9.5 million sińce 1780.15
In other parts of Europę first of all in the Continental region this process was slower, however the expansion of papers also became a significant problem.16 They have direct opinion forming power. The executive power especially in parliamentary democracies had to take into account these opinions. The control of information became one of the most important factors for politics. London found itself in the centre of the worlds news service and its excellent conditions contributed to it to a great extent. We have to mention among these good conditions the telegraph connection between Paris and London which was possible only because after 1848 London and its surroundings had a very good telegraph (wire) network.17
12 Bayer J., A politikai gondolkodas tórtenete, Osiris Kiadó, Budapcst 2003, p. 176-177.
13 Barbier F., Bertho l.avenir C., A media tórtenete, Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 2004, p. 20-21.
14 Haskó K., Hiilvely 1., Bevezetćs a politikatudomanyba, Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 2003, p. 79.
15 Barbier F., Bertho Lavenir C., A media tórtenete, Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 2004, p. 163.
16 Ibidem, p. 163.
17 Ibidem, p. 172.