

WMA 6.4

[20:18] <s|acker> well, if he's not learning, nobody should.

<benxor> well indeed

<benxor> i better go now, i have a lecturę in 40min and i need lunch, plsu iv [20:21] <benxor> *i better go now*.,.

* benxor is not expecting heart-felt goodbyes


<benxor> oh for god's sake

<benxor> yeh, cya =)    S

<s|acker> get your affection elsewher.

*** Signoff: benxor ()

[20:30] <legs> hmrn <red> that boy exhausts me,

[20:31] <legs> packing iz no phun <red> mmm

<red> just think you are getting out of boston for a while <legs> i looked at his site for a minutę but it madę me dizzy <legs> yay

<legs> i1m really excited

[20:39] <red> mm time for me to sleep, good night [20:56] <slacker> hmrn

sOFnlBucaYRl [TextBox]

<slacker> I wonder if c is out having a wild and crazy time in LR._


Tg Ę



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• John Gitabs




9:30 P«"


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