H09 N<n WauiJ Walk if He Walked like .4 n imali
Gin W Riiim#
Htrw Amimali Would Walk i/ Thay H alked like klan
dic. It is thereforc necessary lo poinl out to thc rcaders of this book to study thc air — naturę, lifc itsclf — if rcal rcsults are to bc obtaincd front correct posturę practicc.
Good Health and Physical Perfection
WHY POSTURĘ WAS NEVER TAUGHT. One has to study thc łwo cartoons hcre reproduced—"How man would walk if he walked like animals" and "How animals would walk if they walked like man"—and thc reader will get a elear conception of thc ailments of man. The milkman delivers thc milk, !eaves his horse for many minutes at a time. Upon retuming. the horse stands there. ready for his next wait. If you readers would be in thc place of the horse. by the time the milkman returns. you'd be leaning against a post, or have comfortably stretched yourselves on thc pavement. No animal's body is out of shapc. as you notice by thc picture accompanying this story, but all people and children have shaped themselves as unnaturally as freaks. without rcalizing it. The chickcn holds his chest out, as does the pigeon and tbc