Inhibicija (%)
Preparation and its concentration
Preparatas ir jo koncentracija
■ Control / Kontrole
@ Biochikol 2 % 0 Bioczos 1 %
H Biosept 0.1 % 0 Biochikol 4 %
S Bravo 0.1 % 1 Biosept 0.2 %
0 Bioczos 2 %
0 Biochikol 6 % 0Bravo 0.025% 0 Bioczos 3 %
H Biosept 0.05 % 0Bravo 0.05 %
*Mcans followcd by thc same lcttcr do not diffcr at 5 % lcvcl of significance (Duncairs multiple rangę test) * Reikśmes, pazymetos tomis paciomis raideinis, nesiskiria 5 % patikimumo lygyje (Dimkano testas)