Continucd emphasis on convcrsadon. correct pronuncialion. and correct \%riting Reading from sanous Spanish-Amcncan authors Prcrcquisitcs; SPAN 1411 and 1412, or iwo ycars of Spanish at an accrcditcd high school
Continucs the rcadings from Spanish-Amcncan authors Imphasi/cs grammar, composition. and conscrsation Prcrcquisitc SPAN 2311 or cquivalcnt
Stud) and practiccs of the nine individual speaking esents that arc commonly a part of forensic compctition Stresses research of subjcct matter. performance, and professionalism as a competitive speaker Will inelude sonie trascl to arca forensic tournaments
Siudy and practiccs of the nine indisidual speaking esents that arc commonly a part of forensic compctition Stresses research of subjcct matter. performance, and professionalism as a compctitisc speaker Will inelude some travcl to arca forensic tournaments
Research, composition. organi/ation. and dclivcry of spccchcs for yarious purposes and occasions in a s ariety of commumcation situations
Tbcory, csamplcs. and participation in cxcrcises to improvc effcctlvc onc-to-onc and smali group commumcation
Theories and skills ot speech communication as applied to business and Professional situations Indudcs participaling in an intersiew. prepanng a resume and covcr letter. engaging in problcm-solsing discussions. and dcliscring public spccchcs
Siudy and practiccs of the nine indisidual speaking esents thal arc commonly a part of forensic compctition Stresses research of subjcct matter. performance, and professionalism as a compctitisc speaker Will inelude some trascl to arca forensic tournaments
Siudy and practiccs of the nine indisidual speaking esents that arc commonly a part of forensic compctition Stresses research of subjcct matter. performance, and professionalism as a compctitisc speaker Will inelude some trascl to arca forensic tournaments
Siudy and practicc m the principlcs of orał rcading of literaturę Stresses anaJy/ing good literaturę and rccrcating the logical and cmotional contcnt for an aodicncc Also indudcs group orał interpretation
A study of the relationship belween the child. the family. the community, and carly childhood cducators. including a study of pa/ent cducation. family and community lifcstylcs. child abusc. and currcnt issues
An introduefion to the profession of carly childhood cducation. focusing on dcsclopmcntally appropriatc practiccs. typcs of progiams. hivtorical pcrspcctiscs, clhics. and currcnt issues
A study of nutntion. hcalth. safety. and related actisitics. including skill dcsclopmcnt in munagement of issues, guidclincs. and practiccs in nutrition, as sieli as community hcalth. hygicne. safety, and legał implications Integration of these principlcs applied to a variety of settings.
A study of the principlcs of normal child growth and doclopmcnt from conccption to adolcsccncc I ocus on physical. cognitisc. social. and cmotional domains of dcsclopmcnt
A rcsicw of mathcmatical functions including fractions. decimals. proportions. penmeters. areas. solumcs of geometrie figures. and ccrtain algebraic/trigonometric functions. as rcquircd by spcciOc businesses and industries for succcssful on-the-job performance Prcrcquisitc DSMA 0303 or conscnt of the department chair
An osersiew of the trascl industry Emphasis on trascl carccrs and the impact on socicty
A study of manuał trascl agenes operations and basie hands-on Computeri/cd resersations tcchniqucs in manuał trascl agenes operations. emphasis on making air. hotel, tour and cruisc resersations. writing itincrancs; rcading and interpreling brochures; and tickcting rulcs. credit card saJes. tickct retunds. cschangcs. and rc-issucs Topie* inelude building a simplc Passenger Namc Rccord on an airlmc Computer rcscrsation system, acccssing asailability. tares. and miscellancous related infomiation
Osersiew of the mcctings and conscntion industry and the sanous aspeets and skills insolscd in planning and managing mcetmgv and conscntions Emphasis on typcs of mcctings. mcctmg markcls. industry supplicrs. hudget and program planning. site sclcction and contrict negotialions. registration and housing. food and bcscrage rcquircmcnts. function and mcctmg room setup, and audiosisual rcquircmcnts