Graduate Courses:


Auditing and Assurance Services

Corporate Governance

International Accounting

Financial Accounting - An Economic Perspective

Mathematical Foundations of Corporate Finance

Theory of Corporate Valuation

Theory of Corporate Finance Methods of Multivariate Analysis Analytical Research in Accounting / Auditing Empirical Research in Accounting / Auditing

Auditing and Assurance Services:

Fields of Expertise

Empirical Auditing Research (e.g. Motivation of Auditors, Effects of Regulation on the Motivation of Auditors)

Economic Analysis of Special Audits

Decision-making of Auditors under Uncertainty (e.g. Incentives to Truthful Reporting in an Option-based Approach, Incentives for Whistle Blowing)


Corporate Governance:Corporate Governance & Corporate Finance (e.g.

Financing Patterns around the World)

Financial Accounting:

Corporate Governance & Financial Accounting (e.g. Capital Market-based Accounting Standards around the World, Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility-Reporting, Earnings Management & Corporate Governance)

Accounting-based Capital Market Research (e.g. Value Relevance-Studies, (Credit-)Ratings & Financial Accounting)

Information Content of Financial Accounting (e.g. Intermediate Disclosure, Corporate Social Responsibility-Reporting)

Ad hoc-DiscIosure and Insider Trading

Prof. Dr. Sascha H. Mólls • Philipps University of Marburg • E-Mail: moells@wiwi.uni-marburg.de


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