nia językowego tych osób w szkołach ogólnodostępnych i integracyjnych nie tylko w czasie trwania projektu, ale również po jego zakończeniu.
Nauczyciele języków obcych pracujący z uczniami niewidomymi i słabo widzącymi w szkołach ogólnodostępnych i integracyjnych, którzy zainteresowani są udziałem w projekcie, proszeni są o kontakt z autorką artykułu: mgr Kornelia Czerwińska, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Zakład Tyflopedagogiki, ul. Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa; e-mail:
This article discusses the findings of a study which addressed the issue of how the youth raised in the Lutheran and Roman Catholic traditions perceived human death. The research also sought to determine whether such perceptions were affected by pri-vate interests, success at school or the parents educational background. The research included 50 Lutheran and 50 Roman Catholics (25 girls and 25 boys in each denomi-national group) who were brought up in the villages of the Cieszyn Silesia Region. Ali of them were about to graduate from eighth grade of primary school. The research used a ąuestionnaire, the projection method and a specially structured guidebook.
The findings demonstrated that the young people perceived death in three aspects: „emphatic-mandatory", religious and ritualistic. No significant differences were enco-untered in the perceptions of death held by the fourteen-year-old Lutherans or Catholics. Such perceptions were found unaffected by their private interests, school succes-ses or parental education. Some insignificant differences were found between the views held by boys and girls. Not a single girl perceived death in the ritualistic aspect. Very few of the participants perceived it in the aspect of faith.
The young people declared that they wished to discuss such a difficult issue as human death, yet there was hardly anyone to tum to as talks of that kind were avoided. Consequently, we find that there is an extensive demand for education of both chil-dren and young people in the issue of death and its biological, existential and social dimensions.
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