Jaru jory 22nd» 1943*

»VnV« ^

Tom* Exoellenoy,

the i»pressive oeremony at Gibraltar whioh took plaoe at the tmreiliag of the KoHorlul ?lftquc In octaewaoration aP the lat® Ceaml Sikorski has profcunOly touohed the hoarte af all Poles in Great Brltcln uho wali reawiber thelr greac atateanan ani goi imruleiw iztfChief, the flrst who took upoi hi® shoulders the uagrateful taak of saeing Poland through thia raoat diffioult period in her Kia tory ond who, throu^h his suooessfal erctcuation of the Poliah Aanaad Foroes frar. Fnmoe to Great Brltain, laid the cerber atane to the Brltls:>-Polieh oomr»deahip-ił>-eraa*

As one af the eaooesnora to the l&te General Sikorski my I aak Tfour Kzoelleaey to akcept the eacpreeelon of my ainooro jratitude far your initiatire and to kinuly oomray te the Garriecn of Gibraltar iąy thanka fer thelr spontaneoua oollaberation.

With the assnranoe of my deeo esteta and ooasideratien

Hie Exoellenoy

Lieut. General Sir Ralph B&stwood, K.C.B., D.S.O., ft.G.

Goeemor and C aaaandei*. ln»Cklef



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