Last autumu, The International Scientific Forum "Danube-River of Cooperation" con-vened its Sixth Annual Conference, attended by a large number of foreign guests. As dr. Edita Stojić mentior.ed in the invitation, after five conferences, the aim has still remained to deve-lop interuational cooperation, to ensure peace and security on the Continent, to solve the eco-nomic and hcmanitarian problems caused by -war and the international sanctions imposed to Yugoslavia as a conseąuence of it, to safeguard fundamental human rights and liberties. Another objective has been to debate and reassert the ideea of economic, environmental and cultural cooperation between the countries of the Danube-Balkans region.
On the first day, the proceedings were housed by the Conference Hall of the Yugos-lavia Hotel, and debated 44General Aspects and Strategie Issues of the Regional Cooperation and the Cooperation on Solving Mutual Economic and Social Problems in the Danube Basin." Ali the foreign participants were then met by professor dr. Slobodan Unković, Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of Science and Technology in the Serbian Government, at a recep-tion offered in their honour. After that, all participants moved to Kladovo, where the works of the conference continued for the next three days. On September 23rd, cooperation in tourism, transport and communication, as well as ecological and environmental protection problems were debated. In the aftemoon, a round-table for writers and publishers was orga-nized. On Septembrer 24th, debates focused on the multicultural character and the cultural wealth of the Danube region, as well as the on cultural cooperation in the same region. General debates continued for the rest of the day, and proposals for the finał Declaration were discussed and adopted. The last day was entirely taken by a visit to the National Park Djer-dap, and to the Lepenki Vir historical and archaeological complex.
Of the many papers presented at the Belgrade, we would like to mention only a few, which reveal a wide rangę of historical research: "The New Geopolitical Situation in Europę and the Perspectives for Economic Cooperation in the Danube Region*', (Ljuba Prvulović), "The Influence of the Free Trade Zones on the Development of an Economic Cooperation Between the Danube-Region Countries", (Tanja Erić), "Ecological Approach in Educational Process", (Gordana Brun), "The Danube — A Strong Space of Friendship to Collaborate — Reflected in the Serbian Romanian Folklore, (Liana Badea), "Rural Population Decline in the Danube Area of the Backa Region*', (Branislav S. Durdev and Jovan Duricić), "Resource Use and Security in the Mediterranean Region'*, (Judith Bal&sz), "Protection of Human Rights in the Danubian Subregion and the Environmental Issue", (dr. Vid Vikasović), "Inevitable Future-Balkan Countries in Regional Networks", (Jelica Minić), and "The Danube Countries Cooperation, Possible Support in Approaching the European Union'*, (Blanislava Alendar).
Viorica Moisuc