Tadeusz Szczurek

Cultural Aspects of Armed Conflicts....................................173

Małgorzata Jaroszyńska, Dawid Dymkowski

The Economic War Theory.............................................185

Leszek Lisiecki, Kamil Kucharski

Anonymity of Bitcoin As a Security Threat...............................197

Włodzimierz Gocalski, Arnold Warchał

The Socio-Political Security of Poland In 1990s In Political Party Programs of the Polish Peasants Party (PSL) and the Confederation of Independent Poland (KPN)........................................................209

Marek Adamkiewicz

The Suicidal Face of Insecurity..........................................225


Henryk Pałaszewski

Marek Adamkiewicz, Introduction to Professional Ethics..................253

Aneta Krysowaty

Janusz Tomiło, Anthropocentric Perspectire in Education for Security.......258


Henryk Popiel

The Important Events In the Institute of Organization and Management of Cybernetics Faculty MUT, In the Academic Year of 2014/15..............263



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