
A retrospective analysls of the necessery scqucnce of events which In tho mining environmenl proccdes haimfuiness has bccn madę, Laking into consideration the possible negative influencing of the crew by litosphere, technosphere and atmosphere.

Starting from the undiserable finał effects, the necessary chains of events were determined; these being decisive about the seąuence of events preceding the harmfulness analysed. The necessary chains of events represent the arrangement of the successive indirect effects which change into the cause (sometimes also principal conditions) of the sequence of events.

The arrangement of events was carried out because of the activity of the minę (ZG) management, technical inspection and the whole working force, minę (ZG) at work, mining and the changes of the work parameters (formulas 5. 18,5. 19,5.25 and 5.26).

The graphs analysed present homomorphic mapping of the occurring seąuence of events. They determine univocally the relationships between the events in which the nodes represent the necessary conditions of the seąuence of events, and the branches oriented in the direction of implication represent the successive indirect effects which change into the cause (often and into principal conditions) of the seąuence of events (Fig.5.1 to 5.6).

The contradiction of the necessary chain of events resulting from the negation of any essential component of the necessary condition implies logical contradiction of the harmfulness analysed (formulas 3.12,3.18,5.19 and 5.26).

However logical contradiction does not mean real contradiction of the finał effect. The real contradiction of the harmfulness analysed may result only from the introducing of additional conditions, incidental to the work environment and creating regresive conditions for an undiserable seąuence of events.

The selected necessary chains of events constitute a point


departure for the considerations on the subject of dust hazard occuring in the mining work environment and the applied purposeful safety technics (chapter 6).

Accidents and occupational diseases imply a necessary chain of events, and this in turn, implies semideterministic chain of event.s [_ whicłi is a necessary condition of the seąuence of events at the present slage o knowledge of the dust hazard (formula 6.4).


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