On the Management of a Bell.

On pulling a beli off at hand-stroke tbe clapper strikes just as the revolution is nearly completed, and on pulling it off at back-stroke, the clapper strikes once morę just before the beli regains its upward vertical position. Ifc is therefore with refer-ence to the strokes of the clapper that fol Iow that the terms hand-stroke and back-stroke are used, thus a ringer is said to ustnkf his heli" either at hand-stroke, or back-stroke, according to the position front which the beli coramences its revolution.

Fio. x.    Fig. 2.

Position of hands at the    Position of hands at the


Although 'in the following pages I shall give instructions such as will, I hope, enable any ringer or set of ringers, wilhout any further assistance, to overcome the difficulties of change-ringing, I do not think it possible to give such instructions with regard to the practical manipulation of the beJls. To learn this it is absolutely necessary, 1 consider, that all beginners should have persona! instruction; I therefore advise, if there be no one in the place who can give such, that a neighbouring ringer be engaged. In a few lessons, extending altogether over two or three days, he


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