Changes on Five Bells.

madę when the treble leads its whoie puli, will have little diffi-culty in writing nut the płatn course of Bob Doubles.

It is here given, divided into treble-leads, but I recomtnend that it be first pricked without reference to this printed copy. If esch Icatner will do this, and mark the path of the tieble and second bells, he will be able to refer to his own copy in the explanation given tn the followmg pages.

Second Lcad.

Founh Lcad.


{21435 124153 42513 45231

i 54321



I 31524 | 13254

l i3 5 24



{23415 124351 42531 45213 f 54123 ) 5»4 3 2 j15342 i >5432

Third Leacl.

i 5 1342 I 5 3 1 2 I 3 5 2 14 13 2 5 4{ 2 3 4 5 X

I 24315


I 4 l 253

f 1 452 3 > I 425 3




I 5 3 4 2 r {35245

I 32514 23154 21345 {12435

\ 12345

There is one tliing, however, which may be mentioned. When the tieble leads its whoie puli, the beli turned from the lead by the treble makes second’s place (as in Bob Singles), and the belts in 3-4 dodge; but, as there arc now five bells, wbat about the remaining beli ? Since there is not another beli with which it can exchangc places (that is, dodge), it remains behind. In pricking further, in the usual way, after the treble has !ed its whoie puli, it will be sten that tbis extra beli hasto strikeinal) lour blows in fifth's place,and issaid to “lulhefourbłowsbehind.'"1


For this reason the Plain Bob metbod is better adapted for rioging on even numbcrsof bells, four, si.x, eight, Ac., as »n these cases there will always bedocging amongsl the different f.ain of bells. As, however, tny system of leacbing is based upon the use of a mcthod that can be used on any number of bells, without troubltng the beginner to learn morę thho one melhod, I can-not here recommend leamers to use any different system, ahhough one morę adapted for odd numbers of bells might secm tobeadvisahleforsuch DUmbers.


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