C11A v g fi s runu <.»n si\ helis are called *•' iW/M-ły." The F'lain Ti<>h niiilmd on si\ bells is lnerę-IV>re known as "Boh Minor," ]f Boi' Doubles nas beeii thoioughly niastered, the cnIi j urpe in Minor should make ] ir t le diflWence. I, ibt-refore, ho pi- Ihat, aftcr a few attempls, my readers will be able to atcumf/.isli lae hunting nourso on si\ helis. With reg.ird to the =.łriking. the principal difificuky will be ihat cacli beli, w hen lead mg the whole pul!. w i j I now have to lead, at ihe o p pobite cnd. nff th^ la^t beli uf tlte prevjuus change, as there will no w l>e no tenor covering. Tliis heli is not very casily ^een; but il eacb ririper, when leadtng, will puli his beli steadily, that is. with tlieproper amouni of weight on, he will henr whethei u >onnds at the light time, and will ihus soon aojuire the powcr ol disccrmnę the beli thal he lias to lead oiF, lt finid, howcs-ei, be remem-herod that dillerent helis will be hehmd when he leruls ni the handand bacie sirokes.
The ordinury role that the beli the treule tuins front tire lead shall make secoTuPs place, and tho other belk dodge, will enable the plain course of Bob Minor tu be prkked. Aklinugii this cour-.e is hereaflei given, each learnei should also prick U willi out, if possible, referring to this pnnted coursc.
The whole system of Plain Boh linging is so simple that I hope my readeis will have noticed tiul each heli adtled loiliy nuinber upon whieb the changes liave heeu rung, only adds another lead, at which there is fuither duły, lo the work in a