Urszula Tyluś
unconscious adverse effect of the family surroundiiig which means that the process of socialization here led to helplessness, social addictions aiid low-ered self-esteem. It may result in an inability to change a real life situation for the child or the young person in the futurę.
• Stigmatization and isolation within a peer group, most frequently among the youth, leads towards alienation and isolation of those who come from poor families. It further results in contacts among the peer with a similar social and emotional status.
• The feeling of isolation and lack of enthusiasm to make contacts within class students have been observed among these children.
• Peer relations - hips have their different shapes because most of the diag-nosed children and youth experience and use violence towards tlieir col-leagues
• A characteristic feature is the contrast of the students’ behaviour who come from poor family backgrounds. There has been observed a division into shy, quiet, frequently active ones and those who reluctantly speak up as well as hyperactive ones who want to draw the attention of the teacher and the peer.
• This inadequate behaviour is combined with Iow school achievements. A typical measure here is a common attendance at compensating school classes or even resitting the year. Consequently, they end up school educa-tion at middle school level
• A common feature found among these children is school truancy, especially at the level of middle school.
• The longer the process of socialization in poor families, the less educational it appears and aspirations about the futurę job and personal planning are lowered.
School is significant in a young person’s life as it may support integration and copy the process of social exclusion. Works in this field point to the fact, that school may frequently become the only place where the process of socialization is carried out in the right way. School environment needs to adopt its actions to an