Urszula Tyluś
the last circle (consisting of the unemployed or part-time workers creating their own society and morał decay behaviours).
A number of publications on this issue underline a vivid interest in the problem of poverty worldwide as well as put a light on its diagnosis and allow further open social discourse. Life for children and youth in poverty is closely linked with multi-dimensional phenomenon of existence with reference to different spheres of life. It is determined by inability to fulfil one’s own needs which give a chance to fully participate in social life and thus, it curbs and restricts human development at all stages of personal and social life. A definite family surrounding a student growsing referred to as a process of sociali2ation, makes a huge influence on the quality and way of his functioning in other circumstances. According to Lewis (1970), the life pattem is passed on from one generation to another by the poor in modem socie-ties. Poverty according to the author, has its structure and self-defence mechanism, which allows an individual to survive. It is an unchanged and permanent way of life. Moreover, poor living conditions work out a specific system of behaviour and val-ues which can be regarded as a unique culture in on anthropological way. Living and growing into the culture of poverty leads to an inability to fulfil social needs and condemns such a group of people to a margin and the youngest citizens are grief stricken. All that results in the feeling of inferiority and indifference and getting accustomed to a worse life. Such marginal State may not only lead to a growing feeling of justified grievance against the surrounding reality, growing consciousness about the harm, but first of all if teaches to live differendy. Poor social conditions which restrict young people from growing into an adulthood cause not only a loss of opportunities in carrying out plans, but also frequent limitation of fuli consciousness in order to look for better life offers. According to my research, children who come from poor societies perceive and experience their unfavourable educational and social conditions.
The standard of living conditions among the families is a factor to enter the area of social deprivation, providing lowered chances in futurę life, including the sphere of education, which results in entering the area of decay at different intensity. Fol-lowing G. Baczewski’s idea, most likely to reach a higher level of education are the