b. !ho British and American Govornmonts do not rccognize nny tcrritcrial ehangcs resulting from ml li tary oporations and carriod
out wi-chout' tho ęonsjnfe of tho population concerncd. 194
-' c*f; Poland-is chc son&or ąlly of Groat Britain ln thls war.
Ife is casy to roniła© whnt feolings and rcactions on tho part cf
tho whole Polish Kation thoso activitios of the Soviet Authorlties on Polish soli muat neco£;3-\rily ovoke. It ls obvious that thls Attitud*
of thc Soviet Authoritios ls capablc of discóuraging otfen the bost
ł ‘ i •
ondoavours of tho Polo© to como toan undcrstanding wlth th^ir oastorn
*• i-' ' ' '• : rt •• ; ?., ...
Tt is oąuaily o:vłaus that nothlng can bronie tho Polish Kation’s
will to prosorvo its Inicpondcnco and to dofend Polahdłs sovoroign
•••*' ' * » , •* '| ' . .
right3, Ir any proof bo rcąuirod, it is onough to recall tho rolen-tloss fivo yoar’s struclo of tho whoic Polish NatlOi' agaiust thc’ Ge?-
non invudcr. In Polanri rosis tance has controd around the Underground Army, organisod lato in 1939 undor thc dircctlon of tho Polish Govcr:~ -
mont ar.d forming ah intogral part of tho Polish Armcd Forcos. Abroad,
'' ‘j * i ?.•* • t
the exeloits of Polish .:oamcn, airmen and soldiors, fighting on nil wostern fronts, aro tdo woli known tobo horo enunorated.
• »r
Sinco August 1 s“ -;he action óf thc Polish Underground Army in
i "• § . • • * • ,
Warsaw assumed tho ohnracter of a genoral risikg. Fighting against tremonrous odds, wlth rio help from Sovict Hus sin and with vory alcn-
* : -•? . V . *--
der and dolayod help fro m British and American Ali los (only ansmlł ambim-t of light arms and cjnmunltlon have so far' rcachcd Warsów ),this Army haa boen for ovcr :’our wcoks, and still is, in possession of a
r(.taajor part of tho Capital,. At thc samo.tino it has managed to remain
• • • 9
in eon tnnt contrct with tho rest of Poland and with London.
I.t wcv.ld.bo dlfihcult to find better ovidcncc of thc 3pirit which-aninafćs thoso fif,hting,.in, thc rapks of tho .Uncl rgroi.nl Army of their\strcnght and oigonlsation and of the support whioh they