i 'f-
are» is chosan
on the eupon«i,n eontlne&t sod ragardleuift of trtiat for th«t pttrpoee.lt wlU bc ft unjtęd gul co:-g»n operatlor of
Tkin op#r:.tioo thould be direetoć by gn^ mon In ooaayg
jiu. J.
ino yi>o’l'v oftn-r foyccp»
i>uch i t^f bjtould be _efrVbłl8frod wifoput dClfry.ltt order to ro^«3eno^ the etttdy nd preparattori of the futurę 9uniioubtodly difficult cnd coiaplo** operat ioue.lt *euld 001 s*st of offleer* froa the Cancmi oterfg of thone Aiiiod Countriea róoac foreea will bo *.iployed,r.isd of the tonatri es upon wfcose tcrritopy the landtag oper* tlone will t*ke płaco*
The follovlng threc factora will be daclcive of the
fłnel letnie of the wrv In Kurope and ehould9therefcvre9ftlrendy bc considered st the procent etnget
a) the armad ftoreec of the cowiet lnicm9
b) tor armad lorce ^ oi tłte aIHcb ,particulr<rly thoae
fareee er. len will be deetineu to land oa tue contihent Mid eetiblish .• eeco&d front*
The flp&t twa fectore do oot iHbiUire fur char cocrcent*
Trio third b«s bo for not beon auffleicntly appreci ' ted.
The Gcmtsn bc&ea and linę* of co;~ uniehtione,ee?eelally thoae conneeted wltn the Łcater. front9nre eltunted or. the tcrrltortee of countri.ee whleh trwa been imruded durlu# the p*evlous osaptflfnk.Tneee couatri er h ve not reco^ttlced the warw a occupetion r>nd e eh one of tb«*.i is coutiuuing to a iMaaller or greeter «xtant,aa3 or* their o«fn9an underground 0tru£glefwhlca undoubtertly y.ield<* oert^in results obli gen the Ocrr. iia to keep up ln tfcoee eountrias oouaidar; bly l*»rger forcee of oeeupa* tlon«The3e reeułtc9however9©ould bc noro eon.* i źrebic ia opita of the occupfitica wid nctałuthotctudlic tne Circuit inoee9t*u t ot the procent roorieut they ao not po&ee&o the eon dl tlone for open actior.»Durlng the finał contett wlth Oeraanyfthle f^ctor wlU earry for ^rwater cjigui f ie^-oe tU«u* U ia pena rally atippoeed# pr.-;Tia#d thnt Aftg.^tagt SŁ. taę V-»lŁ<;.l.Kf:UO!^. rill bc fl; IfOtCd O: yiiror-.- U :fb,tf^ 1-ea cof,rdlP’.t*ł r\th <H*
Thia yital problou ie dli^ctly cani.eeted with rolrnd*
The eateut of wh*t hcc 00 t*v b*en done ln the dlroct-tion of organista# the futura actlor. of the oecupled eountrlee