MKUSSA K. WIKTU . Bowling 1 ^3.4. CAA 2.3.4; U brary Aid l; National Honor S<»ckty 3.4: Spanish Club 13.4.

IARRY L WOOD Wll | |\\j \YOO|)S

IJ.NDA K. WYCISLO . A Cappella Choir 13.3.4; Conccn Choru Ir 2; Drania ('.lub 3.4. CAA Orrm.ni Club 1.23.4; Speech Club 2.

CHARLES R. YONKKR Baseball 1.2; Football 13 IJ.NDA M. YORK . . Bow Wow Bulletin Su.ll 4. Conccit Bund 1,2,3. CA A 2; Crrinan Club 1.2; "li % Atudnuir* 4. Mardilng Band 2.3. Natkin.il Honor Soclcty 3.4; Student A ul 2,3.4; Symphonk Honor* Band 2; Yarstty Band 2.

ROBERT K. YOUNC Comen Band 133.4; Utin Club 1.2. M.mhlng Band 3.4

IJ.NDA R. ZARNECKI . A Cappella Choir 2; Bowling 1. 2.3,4; Drama Club 3,4. Frrncb Club 13. Vłcc-Presl-dcm 2. CAA 13.3.4; Girls* Choir 1. OlrU Club 4. Coldenalies 3; Kcferees' Club 2, Studrnl Aid 3

Active seniors kept old traditions alive



KAR EN A ZIKA A Cappella Choir 2.3. Scvrctarv 2; Bowling 1. Clustcr Studrnl Councll 2.3; DE 4; Ercnch Club 1.2; CAA 13; Girls* Choir 1. lYp Club 3; South Suburbati larague Congrcss of Student Councll 3. Sec-retary 3; Simo Club 4. Student Aid 1.23; Studrnl Councll 1,2,3, Speaker 2. Serrciary 3.

DENNIS R. ZIMA Cross Country 2. Tr.u k 2

MIC HELE ANN ZURICK An Crowd 2; Bow Wow Bul letni Stall 3.4, Class Plav 3. Lubiniu 4. Contest Play 4; Debate 23.4; Drama Club 3.4; French Club 133. 4, Secrctary 2, NalKiu.il Forensk Ir.iguc 2.3.4, Vkc Prrsident 4; National Honor Soctety 3.4, National The* plan Sodciy 3.4. Sorrctary-1 teasurer 4. (pilili and Scrull 3.4. Student Aid 1.2,3

KAT1IY ANN CRAYES Cuirem Capers Club 2. CAA 2. 4; Girls* Club 4; 1SE Club 4. Spanlsb Club 2.4. Vke Presklent 2

WILLIAM J. CRAYES . Drama Club 4. Spantsh Club 2.4.

Student Councll 2. Track 2. leller 2; WreMlmg 4 H AROLD M. KOKU NE 1 ranslerred from Dwighl D Eisenhower High Sehool, Biur Island, Illinois.









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