

R<-miMrrril frrthmm. Vdma Thomp»on and Kathy McMahon, a>kcd Mr Kai-lvoda for dirccilon* to thrir ncxt da**.

Spanlih I utuleni* liurnrd uuentlvdy a% Mr Vcga pronouncrd nn* and un iiMial words.


year subjects through long hours of study

Oran Dinnrlla Danny Dl flet ro Jor Dodion faul Dobni

faul Dolson Mary Doylc Bcvcrly Drapcr Karm Drewien

Robert Dumkę John Duraduu Brverly Durbon Carol Dykę

l.ynda Kikutom David Klrndt Drbbir Klrry Dcbbir Kmlund

(!alhv Knwnbadłcr Tom Eadt Mlkr Ksdihadi Wayne Kun

Jamrt Karrdl liłll Kcal Don Fedro Belh Krrley

Ad i mutr Domina John Domina Mary Donato Kosranna Dorgun

(•ary Drnscl Kalli leni Dttggan fauli la Duninami Dianę Dumali

Kay Dykura Donna Kadry Donald Khrrnhałi

l.i/brtli Kum

landa Kmlund faul Kmlund Rulb Kngdntanu fairuia F.ttltl»

Kalhlren Fałat Iran Sharon Faulrr KiK Karnik Daniel Karrdl

(•eraldluc Fcgc» Nancy Keuluk Lima Killuctn Krvin Hun




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