FUTURK TKACHKRS OF AMERICA. FRONT KOW: Pa meta llramr. Cynlhła Nagy, Tcrry Burnett. Brvrrly C.arr. I.tnd.i Szymakowski. Cathy I irrney. C beryl McCreehtn, I iikI.i Kowalski SKCOND ROW: Kaihy Cennie, Carullnr Kwiatków ski. Jean Alhrrchi, (icrry Knoll. Ix»rrl Jun/ow, Advlsor Mr> Hus*. Sharon Cal-vln TliIRI> ROW: l.ynd.i Ackrrmann, Barbara KlnMrdi. Sandy ProWłlt, K.»rrn

Kklin. l-lnda Krrfinan, Sur Trlmmcr. Martba Dorkr. Chrlsllnr Ibiclr. IVjmy Mathrwson. Claudia Sulcrskl. Sandał Mayer. Olane Vcrrc. Ann Smurlo BACK ROW: Kureń Richard. Marilyn James. Pani Sunclk, tirrrir Vanunas. Barbara Slatic. Norma Shway, Chris Krlnrrke. Roberta Polfus. Alkę F.nglemann. I)uwn Rutkowski. Susan OuClos and Kaiby Krinmrrlln^

Students showed lcadership through clubs

"Threshold to the Kuturc" mielić wdl he the themc of thc Kuturc Tcachcrs of America. The KTA Iricd to show the students thc rcsponsibilltlcs lnvolvcd In teachlng. The Prcsident, (arrry Knoll, was assistrd by Vlce-Prcsldent Jean Albrecht, Sccretary Carollne Kwiatkowski, Trcasurcr Lorcl Janzow, and Advisor Mrs. Huss, In carrying out the officers’ dullcs. Ali teachers werc lnvitcd to thc Christmas party and minglcd with the students to talk to them ahout their profession. Iii the spring, 50 tnembers of the dub went to a collegcafor a day to experlcnce the hustle-bustlc of college life. Another projecl was a play given at a scliool for mentally retarded childrcn.

A new dub named the lx>yalites appeared on the scene at III.K thls year. A group ol 15 regular tnembers met under thc sponsorship of Mr. ’l'racy. A ninth period soek hop In thc cafeteria was one of the projccts of this ncwly organized group.


LOYALTIES, FRONT ROW:Janei KunnnRo. Ruy lazzara. l>avld Krrnn. Advlsor

Mr. Trący. HACK ROW’: Ron Sobbe, linda Branlcu, Bcrry I>evovlt Peggy Budnik. and Bon Stron



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