Girl'* Club er Ir bratni Chrtstmas w uli 4 skll featurinK Sama Claus and retnderr portrayed by Tani U(!oy, Elalne Sanipalis and linda Strrnbng.
Drroralions addnł lo the authmtir Ruropean aimospbrre ai ihc language clubł' Christmas party Admlrlng ihr drcorailons were Mlke llufl and (iertnalne Krugman.
Chooslng froni a larKe asMirlnient, l.ynn Staniał, llclcn Schwelklr. linda Falion, Chris Thirle and |an Solner enjuycd refreshments ot the Girls* Glub Chrtslinas pany
I akln)( pan In the Kalety, Jan Murawski and Wayne Kłrk were scrved refreihmentł by (•ary Vavro who added authentlclty to the lanKuaKc club Christmas party
AdmirlnK a poster al the languaKe club Ghrlstmas pany were Bob Brown and Chris Thaero