Ańcr bcing prrsmird wlth biur bid* In thc tbapc of follln# siari. couplrs ohm pautcd lo adrnlrr ihc mann er In whlch ihc Turnaboui lhrme was rarrlrd oui

SUtlng qukilv, l-aura Kobo* and SlCYt Anderson wrre aniony ihc many couplrs who h.td ihrłr piet tire* taken at thc Turoabout.

romantic atmosphere to "Misty Moonlight”

F.nvrlo|>r«i in mUty biur nrtting, couplrs cnjoycd dancing lo ibr miulc ol ihc 'DonUys* ai ihc Turnaboui Datur.

Brlcf momrnu of ronvcr*nllon wne cnjoycd by l-aurmr Mart. Uleli Muwltnan. Kolby Somenrllle. and liob Slas whllr tbcy tcsicd In betwren danccs




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