Mr Waync Rabold Mr. James Racy

Dnltratnl frarhrn %|>rni many aficrnoon^ tc«u Mmirni drivrr* ihr tklll* ni thc mad

Drivcrs’ Ed. spurred cxccdrin headache #218


ImmmmiIoii* ronrrrnltiK llir mrchantc* uf a car, un Important part uf l)hvrn‘ Kd . wcrc gtvrn lo ra^cr itudent drlvrr» by Mr. Kudła.

l)rlvcrs' Kducation was taught as a two-part course, włth thc ffrsi pan rctjuircd by thc school. The first of tlicsc iwo d(vislons was thc dassroom phasc, whereby the student gained thc *know-how" and the prlnciples ticcessary for driving. IMiase two, whlch could be taken only after phasc one had successfully been coin-pletcd, could then be put Into operation. Thls was the practlcal, *on thc road” training program, at which tlmc students learned through personal cxpericnce and practicc, in spccially provlded Drłvers* Kducation cars. Thcsc cars were tdcntlcal to nornial a u tom obiłeś except for nn additional brake and outsidc mirror on the rlght hand sidc of thc car, for thc instructor's usc. The dassroom portion was gencrally taught to sophomorc students during thc tłme taken front thelr I\K. dasses. Thosc students who then wislted to continuc through phasc two and wito had passed the dassroom phasc, complctcd thc coursc.


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