fiaving rhosrn Thr Wątle Maker* as his scicction foi IndlYlduall/ed Keading, I^irry Jennlngs rcad Intensely lo discover ihc ouicomc.

Miss 1’airlcla Arvia    Miss Sandra Brcnneman    Mrs. Irenę II rodie

Mrs. Norma Bruce    Mrs. Chrrle l>avls    Mrs. Ann (a-melnhardt

English reading courses attracted many



The greatest curriculum change in any department was in freshman and sophomorc Knglish. The year's Siudy was di-vłdcd bito four diiTerent arcas: Orał laingiiage, whlch was laught willi spcclfic tcx(s; Composllion. laughi willi spadał wriiing tcxls; l)evelopmental Reading, and Indivłduali/ed Reading. I liese new changes were madę in the hopc ihat the siudenls would aehieve a better undersianding of ihe diflerent areas of Knglish.

In the Junior and senior Knglish classes. plays and drama-ti/.alions were enacted for enjoyment and better comprehcnsion. Shakcspcare‘s play, Hamlet, was scen ai a (b ca ter by various siudenls, wblle sonie scenes from Maebeib were enjoyed in the clussroom. The CIreal Ideas in Literaturę classes saw The Cherry


Orchard aiter reading and discussing il in class.

Ali of the changes were successltil in arousing a greater interes! and an ever-increasing enjoyment of Knglish.

Iluring l’ubli< alion* class Surmy 1'oiirr dhtulrd copy asslgntnrni lo hiid.i |anliki. »ho lyped vłgurou»ly t«> meet deadllue*.

American iJirraturr providrd a unie lor Kaihy (artoll and Mary llloni<|ulsi l«» carry oul ihdr asslgnmcni by reading uidlvldtjally during dass period



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