Alpha werewolf Konrad Wolfensen *ee» it as his duły to prolccl ihc Citizen* of Boston. cven if it mcans breaking into thcir businesses just to provc thcir security system* don't worlt. But when his unsolicited services land hirn in trouble with thc law. he'll have to tum to his sexy new neighbor for help.
Attorney Roi Wells is bored. She used to have such a knack for attracting the weird and unexprcted, but ever sińce she took a job as a Boston public defender. the quirky <|uotient in her life has taken a serious hit. Until hcr sexy wcrewolf neighbor start* coming around...
“ l’he good-natured fun never stop*. Chase brings on plenty of laughs along with steamy sex scenes as Meny and Jason bewitch each other amid the supcrnatural mayhcm.”
—PuMutim Wtdlj
“Enterłainingand htimorou*— a winner!”
“The humor and romance kepi me entertained— a definite pigc turncr!»r>łcoioejtysco com nwwfflNtnthOiS.CC"