refresh with tii

Working hard or hardly working?

Words by God —John 155, NIV

Is there such a thing as too much good? Maybe it's not in the word good but in the intentions behind it. We can have the best intentions but still miss the point.

On the other hand, tf our good Is just belng spurred on by our own deslres Instead of Go<fs plan, then łt will never be truły be satisfylng or good enough.

The world has a great many needs, and thankfully, pa 55i o na te people want to step out and help. However, sometlmes we can get so wrapped up In the good things we do that the deeds cease to be rooted in Christ and It becomes morę about the good deeds themsehres. Here is why this shift is dangerous: Jesus asks us to stay connected to Him and He will work thiough us for Htspurposes. When the purposes become our own, we often stop listening to what He has in mind for us and fbcus on our own plans instead.

It is hard to keep up wlth everythlng on our own;

It becomes morę llke a cup with a leak. As much as we try to fili It up, the cup still empties because lt Is worn and damaged. As broken people in a broken world, we have this desire to do something to make it all better, but we cannot do it on our own. What Is broken cannot fix brokenness. But our Creator, the Author and Perfector of our story, wants us to take part in His plan of redemption and healing. He desires that we stay connected and attenthre to His yoice so He can use us for His purpose to touch the world around us.

I think we often want to race ahead when it seems

things aren't happening fest enough,or we think that God will love us morę if we work harder for Him. The truth is that God loves us, not because of what we do but because of who we are. We are good enough for Him because of His grace and uncondltlonal love for us. It's not about our long list of things to do; ifs about something much bigger and greater—it's about Him.

*1 am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I ln you, you will bear much frult; apartfrom me you can do nothing* (John 15:5, NIV). On our own we are llke the wlthered and drłed-up branch, but If we stay connected to the life-giving vine (Christ), we will flourish. He is the One who gives us life and replenishes oursouls.

So, how do we know if we are following His desires and not our own? We ask and keep tuned in to Jesus. Before launching Into new plans, listen for what His heart says. There you will And whatyoirte looklng for. a connected relatlonshlp with Jesus, one In whkh you know Him and He knows you. No amount of good deeds can ever compare to the wellspring of life you can And In Him. I can assureyou Jesus and His plans foryour life are morę than good enough. ■

Be Blessed

T\a Lawrence is 20 years ofd. She is amemberoftheComaxAdventist Churcb on Vancouverlstand.

Ws biog—refreshwtth tia.com

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Watch 'Thriye'’ by Casting Crowns on YouTube: http://goo.gl/Vi9M HO


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