The football season of 1914 will be remembered in tbe history of Salem High School in a manner which the supporters of that season ’s team may well be proud of. Although it was our most ardent hope to claim vietory from Allianee and Massillon this year, at. the erisis Fate was against us, and we met defeat by smali seores.

Nevertheless the true spirit of foot-ball interlocked witli a keen appreeiation of good sportsmanship, erowned each defeat cven as it crowned each victory.

Many there aro who look upon a foot-ball team as a simple occurrence resulting in sonie way from the actirities developed in a high school, while there are verv few who realize that in truth it is the resnlt of the training and shaping of several individuals to act as physical and mental unit. To accomplish this end it is necessary that each iudiridual should submit to a guiding force, to a mind which can reason and explain, to a band which can guide a team along the patii of suecess. It is now we shall attempt expression of the praise due our most wortliy coacli, Mr. II. W. Pritchard, formerly of the Mount Fnion eleren.

'I'he work aeeomplished by Mr. Pritchard this year. under the difficulties which beset a coacli in dealing witli strange players, is well worthy of commendation. Ilandi-capped by a lack of materiał to begin witli, then by insuificient support on the part of the student body, he was not to be discouraged. Ile overcame tliese difficulties in the end and produeed a team worthy of representing old Salem High.

Oaptain Leo Windle has, during the last season, proved himself most eapable of the position which he lield on the team. Hoth by his playing, and his encouragement to the other players, he has surely lieen the riglit mail in the riglit place. It is well under-stood that in the ofYieial sense the captain is the leader of the team, still at the trying moment it is to the <|iiarter-back that the team submits its force, that he may coneen-trate it wherc he will. We may here congratulate ourselves as a school for having had this double leadership entrusted to one who has so admirably earried out the duties which accompany it. His loss will be keenly felt by next year ?s team.

Manager Fred McCleery worked out a Schedule that would be bard to improve upon and one which would test the metal of the bost High School teams. Fred\s work on the football field speaks for itself; that he was the little giant of the team would be vouched for by all. Then again in his never-tiring attempts to create enthusiasm, and support among students, he won the loyal friendship of his schoolmat.es. There is no doubt that Fred will be among the first missed in futurę athletic events, and the position which he lield will never fali upon one who will take morę interest in his school tlian Manager McCleery has during his career in Salem High.

Praise in almost as great measure is due all tliose who were connected witli the team. Kegulars and subs alike did the best they could to uphold the reputation of our school, and all should receive equal credit. We could not pick out iudiridual stars and do justice to the team as a unit. The new men who appeared at the beginning of the season showed up well before the end. Tliose learing in June will be missed on the field, but still there is left the nucleus of awinning team for 1915, so here are our best wishes, that they may turn out such.








S. TI. S. .



< <



.... Leetonia........


i i




.. . . Akron West ........


i i




.... Warren.........


i i




. . . . Massillon ...........


i i



31 .......

.... Wellsv511e........


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i i

..... 20



.... Niles.............’..


* i





i i

..... 0

Total—Salem 158 Points.

Abroad Opponents 68 Points.

pajłe sixty-four


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