In order to obtain corrosion protection which will be effeetive In the long term, the servi.ce exchange parte nmsc conform to specification 47-09-002 applied to production vehicle6 which mentions the following criterion, irreepective of the paint process uaed (cataphoresie or other processes):
A - For parts and assemblles of skin or structure, consisting o£ steel or pre-coated panele, the ability to withstand;
B - For parts and aesemblies located inslde the paseenger compartment, the ability to withstand:
750 hours in salt epray
400 hours in salt spray
is required
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Service exchange parts which can withstand 750 hours in salt spray are raarked with che auf£ix G on the part reference label.
Service exchange parts which can withstand 400 hours in ealt spray are marked with the suffix C on the part reference label.
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de Hri.h.mgi-dllngiiie
GanJjot Sfanhrti Original-Enattrtle Pluu di KaoibMo <to Orifen Rfc&mfcl OrlgtaaiJ OrigianÅD OnMdu
OCTuioc Piru
OrjginaJ - Rrutztadla Pinu de RacaaJMo da Oriflen
UciÅnkDlOrÅgtlwai |
Ortainaia OadanteÅm