IJnder t lie coaching ot' .Miss Kolsom. the Mirls* Bask et Bali Team en.joyed a very suecessful season. A Schedule ot' nine (9) games was arranged by Mary Wilson, who managed the team very capably. The girls en.joyed four out-of-town trips and twiee returned vietorious. The remaining five games were played on the home floor and three of these were vietories for the hoine team. The Lisbon gamę herc was the fastest and best gamę of the season, both teains playing exceptionally fast basket bali for girls.

Miss Jean Borden and Miss Almeda (ieiger worked well together in the for-ward positions. The good work of the guards was largely responsible for the scoros and the eenters generally managed to get the jump on their opponents.

The interest in basketball among the girls was greater t li i s year than ever before, and as only two of the team will be lost by graduation. the prospeets for m*xt year*s team are verv good.


Dec. 18 ...........

Sharon ............


S. 11. s......


Jan. 1 ...........

Al bance Ex-High ..


4 %


Jan. JO ...........

Steubenville .......


i t

..... 19

Peb. 19 ...........

Lisbon .......


k fc

..... 15

Feb. 26 ...........

Ashtabula 11 ar bor...


k 4

.... 19

Mar. 5 ...........

Sharon ............


% i


Mar. 13..........

Al bance B. 1........


i i

..... 15

Mar. 19 ...........

Lisbon ............


i 4

..... 11

* Abroad.


pagc sixty-scven


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