USE OF the use of t

Mffi^^ęOOKS WRITTEN BY FACULTY MSMBERS:    I recommend approval of

re of th^following textbooka written by faculty members:

1. Teaching in "ftwrsery School8, by Sallie Beth Moore and Phyllis Richarda of the D e    tmeńt' of ńome Econoraics, published by Harper and

Brothers, vhich retafl^s for $5*50 vith 10# royalty on first 2,500 copies, 12# on second 2,500 anc*^# on all copies therafter.



2. PlaftBlng and Sej^lng Yó^r Meals, second edition, by Mary E. Goldmann, Department of Horn/Econoraics'^put>Iished by McGraw-Hill Company, which sells for $U.50 yith 15# royalty to author.

3- Audit Practice Case, by R. L.\Grinaker and R. E. Seiler of the Department of Accounting,published\by Richard D. Irwin, Inc., which sells for $6,75 with 15$ royalty to the abthors.

k. Systems Practice Set, by J. G. Ashburne, C. T. Zlatkoyich, and F. N. Stiles, of the Department of Accounting, published locally, which sells for $2.00 with no royalty to authors.    \

FACULTY L5GISIATI0N; I recommend approval of the following legislation passed by the Faculty Council ond/or General Faculty;    ^


1. The Faculty Council on N^w^aber 26, 19^8, approved by tfie/ V V’"? O >. £ y circuła*?izatiai^roee&uraH£e propoBed*.cbrfnges in the' Lav^2dhool    /.

~ '^7*27-2628)    1


sfer from an<

r I»w Scboo

cśpy~t3f~vhich is^rttached hereto^rf^APPSNDDC A.

2. The Faculty Council on January 7, 1959/ approved by the circuiarization procedura the proposed reąuirements for admission to the Professional work of the second professioaal year of tha five-year program in the College of Pharraacy (D&P 26A2-U3, copy of which is attached hereto as APPENPIX B.




3* The Faculty Council on January Ik, 1959, approved by the circuiarization procedurę the proposals (l) to reąuire prior aonrovEl for work done by correspondence toward the Degree of Bachelor of Arte^A Plan TI; (2) to change the philosophy reąuirements for the Degree of    ^ fćj/

Bachelor of Arts, Plan II; and (3) to amend. the foreign language reąuireroent for the Degree of Bachelor of Journalism (D&P 261*9-90), copy of which is attached hereto as APPENDIX C.

4. The Faculty Council at its meting on January 19# 1959 > approved the following proposals re lat ing to Scholastic Performance in the College of Engineering, to be effective Septeraber, 1960:    ^

1. All courses taken and all graaes received at The Univer6ity    y ,

of Texas (including grades madę in courses that have been repeated), (T shall be included in cowputing the grade point average of a student. ^ This cunmlative grade point average will be based on all course3 A elected to fulfill the degree reąuirements.    ^ 2. Any student receiving a grade below a "C” in any reąuired course, that is a prereąuisite to a later course, raust repeat that course.

3* Any student, who has been placed on Scholastic Probation, will remain on Scholastic Probation until his last somester average and hia cumulative average are "C” or above.

U. Any student raust have a ”C" grade point average overall and in his major to graduate.

5- Any resident student electing work in the College of Engineering for two seraesters raust be registered in the College of Engineering to receive credit for an Engineering degree.


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