Appendi* E


The Faculty Council has filed with the Secretary of the General Faculty tbe recommendations published helów adopted by the Faculty Council at its meet-ing of January 19, 1959. The legislation was classified as major and as such is being submitted to the General Faculty for ratification.

Notice is hereby glven that these reconanendations will be presented to the Bcard of Regents for adoption unlesa aigned protests in wrlting, with reasons, have been received by the Secretary of the General Faculty frem ten ypting members of the General Faculty wlthin ten days of the datę of this publication, in which case the reccmmendations will be presented to the~General Faculty in forraal session for decision.

Cp    /

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Eugene W. Nelson, Secretary

The General Faculty


1* In the General Information catalogue of the University as applicable to all tranafers change section to read as follows:


Any student who wishes to transfer from one college to another within the University must be certified as having advised with a representative of the Dean of the College in which he is currently registered. In the College of Engineering, any student, who transfers from Engineering while on Scholastic Erobatiou and,wishes to,re«entęr,.the College of Engineering tf?£iiiwa8ot8i^r?§liSglno?rThecuriileFsfty1 wfe?le on prób must receive the approval of the Dean of Engineering-

2. In the General Information catalogue of the Univeralty on page 25, in the section "High-ranking applicants" change section to read a6 follows (to be effective for studenta entering September, 1960):

High-ranking applicants--In order that applicants with high grades may have an opportunity to enter the University even though they may not have completed the reąuired pattern of high-achool subjects, apecial provisions bave been madę for their admission.

Any applicant who ranked in the upper balf of his bigh-school graduating dąsa, who has a satisfactory admission test score, and who has a total of at least fifteen acceptable units may enter any division except the College of Engineering or the School or Architecture with deficiencies in any grcup or groups except English.

Furthermore, any applicant who ranked in the highest quarter of his graduating class and who also raakes a median score or higher on the University admission test may enter any division except the College of Engineering or tbe Scbool of Architecture without deficiencies being assessed.

3. In the General Information catalogue of the University on page 27, delete the whole section "Removal of deficiencies" under the center head "School of Architecture and College of Engineering” and aubstitute the following paragraph (to be effective for students entering September, 1960):

A student must present all of the above units in order to be admitted to the College of Engineering or tbe School of Architecture. A student who wishes to enter the College of Engineering or the School of Architecture but who does not have all of the units apeclfied above may enter any other division of the University for which he is eligible and take courses without credit toward engineering or architecture degrees to make up tbe units lackirg for admission to engineering or architecture. Two units in algebra, one unit in piane geometry, and one-half unit in solid geometry are offered by correspondence by the Divislon of Extension of the University. Extension classes in second-year algebra, piane geometry, and solid geometry are offered on tbe campus. The fee for each course is $10.00. A student who lacks physica takes Physics kQ3 without degree credit, at no extra charge. A student who lacks science for admission to architecture takes three houre of anthropology, chemistry, fciology, or geology without credit toward engineering or architecture degrees at no extra charge.

A student may save time by zaaking up the units he    in-*-suimner^sci^al^or

by taklng courses by correspondence, or both.



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