. ?

oI ŁroM Soli «t 3h Btc, by fUet, 11 p. yUTlUKSK, P«r, Q>o* aoc Łt Tbmąt Hoqk

H^hl wp, Ho. 67, Hanci, July 67, pp. 247-252. JF*$ 43,#28

On Buffalo PlMtMi in Vi«cma, by Trioh Vaa

Thlnh, 10 pp.

YITTNAMESE, per, Khoa Boc No. 67, Banol, July 67, pp. 262-267.

JWS 43,828

Guldane* oe Animai Husbandry Techniquea for Hountaln Areas, 9 pp.

V1ETNAMESE, par, Khoa Hoc Ky Thuat Kong Hghlep. Hanol, No. 8, Aug 67, pp. 302-306.

JPRS 44,138

Discussion on Livestock Raising, 17 pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Nhan Pan, Hanoi, 15-J8 Nov 67. JPRS 43,805

•«. :-ar.:/ o* .cc rra.-ce if    Ir.

ii-rra L-. the Yeara of    ar/J llinirur.

S^lar Actirit*, by L. . , !4l*ko. rt-SSLL., per, .żaonai: 1 aeronoc. Vol 7, 196?, pp 73-62.

NIL Raf i 5^29.4r (70»

Results of an Investigation of tha Polar Iono-cphere by Radio Signals frora Explorer-22, fcy E. E, Mityakova £ U. A. IIityakov,

RUSSIAN, per, VUZ. Izv. Radlofiilka, Vol 10,

No 8, 1967, pp 10/0-1076#

Dept of Kavy/ APL/JHU T-2085

Passive Satellite Stabilization by the Geomagnetic Field, by A, A. Khentov,

RUSSIAN, per, Kosnlcheskle Issledoyanjya. Vol 5,

[Jo 9, 196?, pp 560-553.

Dept of Iiavy/ APL/JHU T-2080

Astronomy & Astrophysics

An Automatic Controi System for a Stellar Interferometer, by Yu. A, Sabin in 4 P. V, Nikolayey, 22 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, AN SSSR. Institut ElektronakhanlJci. Sbomik Rabot Po Voprosar. Elektroraekhanlkl, No 9#

1963* pp 161-175.P10036616?


On tha Ibaaibility of Datei*ininc tha Abaoluta Klara tlona of tha folnta of lAnar Surfaoe trom tha Obaarrationa on tha Karth, by A. A.


RDSSIAN^per, Aatron^ohaakly Oainml. Vol 44,


The Effect of the Earth*s '.agnetic and Gravita-tional Fields on the Oscillations of a Satellite Around its Center of Kass, by A. A. Khentov. RUSSIAN, per, Kosmlcheskle Isslodoyanjya. Vol 5, No 4, 1967, pp ~55&-572.

Dept of Navy/ APL/JHU T-2081

Ubservations of Scattered L^-Eramission in the Vicinity of the Earth and in the Interplanetary Mediun, by V. G. Kurt.

RUSSIAN, per, Kosaicheskoye Issledoyaniya, Vol 5, No 6, 1967, pp 911^20.

Sci Tech Info Facility ST-0A-SP-10669

An -rperinent in Forecastlng the Secular Co»-ponent of Solar Activity, ty I. V, Kaksimov. RUSSIAN, par, Probleror arkt, 1 antarkt,. Vol 12, 1963, pp 21-32. i.1L Rafi 5828.4F (7023)

Effact of Plaaaa Danaity on tha Raaulta of Spoctroaoopio Datarrinatlona of Elaotron Tampar-aturas, by V. L. Ydorln.

RUSSIAN, par, Atormąya Snergjyt. Vol 20, No 2, 1966, pp 148-149.

•ACSI J-4151 ID 2204001468

Transfer of Radiation in a Spactral Lina,

*>y V, V. Ivanov,

RUSSIAN. par. Uch Zap Leningrad Goe Uhiv Sar

Hat Nauk. No a, m\ pp 1W5.-



tat, Vf»tnjk, Sarlyą

klhłSMMi*o 13,


Application of tha Delainay Mathod to tha Arti-fscial Satellitiaa on tha Mocn, by H. N. Leaekhova RUSSIAN, par, lyullttln* Inat Taoratichaikoy Astrgnoajy. Vol I. No"7(iW), 1WJ, pp MMSO.

Sci Tech Info FaciUty ST-Oł-10663

Applioation of Mathoda of Analytio Djmaaioa in tha Thaory of Optiaal Tranafera, by V. 3. Novoaelov, 20 pp.



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