M. A. Di LAK Y
116121, refers to some debate which took place in prescnce of King Vigraharfija IV whcre the Svetambara Bclief is said to have won (against the Digambara rival):
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Since this reference is daled as early as A.D. 1161, it might have in mind eithcr the Dharmaghosa Sun -Gunacandra encounter, or some other subsequent debate which may have taken place in the time of VigraharSja IV (A.D. 1153-1163). In either case, it is an important historical reference. In the former case, it must be surmised that the Dharma Suri-Gunacandra debate took place in the time of Vigraharaja instead of his predecessor ArnorSja. Howevcr, all other earlicr, including contcmporaneous, sources clearly connect the court of Arnor&ja with that debate which apparently had been well-known in the mcdieval times in Western India.
Notes and Keferences
1. For instance Pradyumna Suri (c. latter hall' of the lOlh century A.D.) who had defeatcd a Digambara dialcclician at the court of Allu of Kucherapura (Kucera) in Rajasthan. Ilis disciple Abhayadcva Suri (c. A.D. 950 -1000) wrote a famous trealise on the doctrinal dialectics callcd the Vśda-mahśrnava. (For the lineage of Dharma Suri, cf. here tablc 1 at the sequcl.)
2. Cf. Mohanlal Dalichand Dcshai, Jaina Sahitya-no Sarfiksipta Itihśsa (GujaratI), Bombay 1933, p. 251, para. 351.
3. Triputi Maharaja, Jaina Parampara no Itihśsa (GujaratI), Part U, Ahmedabad 1960, pp. 39-40.
4. The psalm in question has been re-edited, and will eventua!!y be published by Pt. Babul Sevchand Shah.
5. Anek ant a (Hindi), (ed.) Pt. Jugalkishor Mukhtar, Year 14, Ray 5, December 1956, p. 124. The manuscript, as recordcd by the cdilor, is preservcd in the PaAc&yatI Bhandara of Bada Dhatfa, Ajmer.
6. Cf. the Vividha'-77rthakalpa of Jinaprabha Suri, Part I, (cd.) Jina Vijaya, Singhi Jaina Scries No. 10, Santiniketan 1934.
7. 1bid., pp. 105-106.
8. A colophon dated S. 1384/ A.D. 1328 of an omnibus manuscript in one of the manuscripts library in P&tan incorporatcs the Paryuęanś-Kalpa-Tippana of Pfthvlcandra Suri (c. second ąuarter of the 13th century A.D.), agreatgrand disciple of Dharmaghosa Suri, which leads to such a belief.
(Cf. A Dcscriptive Cataloguc of Manuscripts in the Jaina Dhandars of Pattan, (ed.) Lalchandra Bhagawandas Gandhi, Gaekwad's Oriental Series No. LXXVI, Baroda 1932, p. 37).
A generation before the last named Suri, Raviprabha Suri, a pupil of Yaćobhadra Suri and grand-disciple of Dharma Suri, likewise refers to king of Sakambhari who