used to attend the didacticaJ lectures of Dharmaghoęa Sun:
^cdftl«ł SIMfd *ffd [^] 3TĆT H Pi«e5Q^idlrl: I ftem-. 6łfcRW(^)c^RwwiM<
^u\ fd4HW*4Jf4<*1|<ł*KH£<Pl IRdll
(Cf. A Descriptiye CataJogue, p. 369.)
9. Ibid. the undcrnoted verses:
FJr*7: 5f 114 ^
WdRi ft Pmęjdt Prr 3rf 1 Pm ^ yffdHirw [Prfó]
Pm PrmPfRł-jTp^ff IRSII
d^TT tfrPm&T: m |
77Tvf Jjft3tp7f^-q'TOM^;i«tt ?5Rdą nąo||
[Cf. A Descriptiye CataJogue, p.370.]
10. Mudrita Kumudacandra prakarana, Sri Jaina-Yaśovijaya GranthamaJ^ N0.8, Kiśl V.S. 2432 ( A.D. 1905).
11. A Dcscriptive CataJogue, pp. 395 - 396.
12. Ibid., p. 369.
13. Ibid., p.36. Therein, il is said that, in the assembly of Ajayaraja, Gunacandra
was spellbound by the oration of Dharma Sun.
/ - /
14. Srf Arbuda- Prścfna-Jaina-Lekhasandoha (Abu, Part U), SrT Vijayadharma Suri
Jaina Granlhamila No. 14, (ed.) Śri Jayantavijayaji, Ujjain V.S. 1994 (A.D.1938), p.7, Inscriplion 1, vs. 39.
15. Cf. Yiyidha-Tirthakaipa, p. 106.
16. Cf. A Descriptiye CataJogue, pp. 308, 372.
17. Cf. Gauri Shankar H. Oza, AnnuaJ Report on the Working of the Rajaputana Museum, Ajmer, Calcutta 1921, p.2. Also, AnnuaJ Report of Indian Epigraphy 1957-58, p.59, No.B,429.
18. The prabandhas mention ihat queen MayanalladevT (MailaladevT in Kannada inscriptions,) mother of Jayasirtihadeva Siddharaja, who possibly had married to the Caulukya King Karnadcva in c. A.D. 1070, was alive at the timc of Anahillapitaka debale. If we placed the debale’s datę some limę latcr in Siddharaja reign, it may seem unlikcly that she could have lived so long. Also, the single available dale for Minister Aśuka (who had counscllcd Jayasirhhadcva 10 found the tempie to Mahavlra after the viclory of Vadi Deva Suri), is, according to the colophon of a manuscript, S. 1179/A.D.l 123, which is elose to the Prabhśyaka’Caritrafs dale A.D. 1125 for the selfsame debale. On the otlier hand, at the latler datę, the age of Vadi Deva Suri could be only 38. His posnion at this relativcly younger age as the leader of the celebralcd B(had-gaccha seems somewhat unlikcly if not impossible; and the maturity and compctcnce nceded for the debale may at first recko.,mg seem unattainable at that age from the praclical point of view.