(i)    The term Srtikya denotes the stale of mind. Such condition of mind is no doubt expressed in the hymns called SratTs. Howevcr, it has nolhing to do with the olher aspects of SratT. Thus, when we say SratT ‘ovSlane ’ the term Srtikya doeś not reflect any sense, or the meaning * waving of lamps with sublimity of mind' is a far-fetched one. Thus, the word irtikya has a very limited sphere and it does not cover all the aspects denoted by the term SratT.

(ii)    The peculiar stotras called SratTs which are recited at the time of this rite are not found in each and every State of India. These are found recited in a few States, especially in Maharashtra, Gujarat, etc. In BengaJ or Orissa these are not found, though the rite of waving of lamps exisls.

(iii)    It seems that the word Srtikya is also not much famous in Indian religious texts. M. Williams and V.S. Apte have totally ncglected the term Srtikya. The references of Srtikya or Sratikya ignored by the above scholars are afler 17th cen. A.D. Can it be possible that a term which serves as a source term for a widcly known living ancient rite is not traced at all in ancient Sanskrit literaturę?

(iv)    Moreover, the term Srtikya does not cover the rilual aspect of the


Thus, sińce the suggestions of the esteemed dictionaries do not suffice the need, one has to scarch for another source term.

The prćsent paper aims at describing the source of the rite SratT. Turner in his ‘A Comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages ' mentions SrStrika as a source term for the word SratT. Turner in his ‘A comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages ’ mentions SrStrika as a source term for the word SratT The A VP (Atharva vedapariśistaf~ describes a rite called aralrika. The present paper shows how this parlicular rite corresponds to the present SratT rite. Thus, the theme of the paper is how SrStrika travclled towards SratT This is sketched in the following manner:

(i)    A detailed description of the rite SrStrika;

(ii)    Reference of the term SrStrika in chronological order;

(iii)    Synonym of SrStrika;

(iv)    Correspondence of SrStrika and SratT—

(a)    rilual correspondence,

(b)    etymological correspondence,

(v)    Conclusion.

Now let us proceed for the description of SrStrika.


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